GJM on statehood course: MLA

KALIMPONG: Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) has taken a crucial step towards achieving their demand for a separate state by signing the latest agreement with chief minister Mamata Banerjee, which ensures a new council with more geographical area and maximum autonomy, feels Harka Bahadur Chhetri, senior GJM leader and MLA from Kalimpong.

In an exclusive interview with ToI at Kalimpong, Chhetri's home town, the leader clarified how the agreement ensures financial self-sufficiency for the proposed new council, which will help the GJM to strengthen their statehood demand in near future. "Except home (read policing) and judiciary, we achieved all the major powers needed for a state," said Chhetri. Disclosing the important components of the agreement related to finance, he said, "The new agreement says that soon after the formation of the new council, the body will be empowered to collect all the revenues which state government collects from the area at present.

The revenue for the Union government will continue to go as before." Pointing out the significance of Touzi, the GJM leader said it's a section of law under state's land and land reforms act which decides the lease period, amount and cancellation of a lease agreement of tea garden lands. Tea gardens have a major stake in the total revenue earned from the area. "According to the agreement, new council will be entitled to enforce Tauzi, which suggests that the council will have the right to lease out teagarden lands and fix up its amount," said Chhetri. He feels it will be crucial for financial autonomy of the new setup. The state government earns Rs 101 crore from tea gardens of Darjeeling. "Now, per hectre lease amount is Rs 32 from where garden-owners earn Rs 6 lakh. A revision of lease rate is required," he said, hinting that tea garden lands will be costlier in new council's regime .

Chhetri also claimed that the council has been empowered to distribute power generated by National Hydro Power Corporation, which will be another major source of revenue. He feels the agreement made their task easy to get a separate state and repeatedly gave importance on economic autonomy. "We have planned for infrastructural development utilizing the revenue in next few years before going for a fresh statehood movement," once again confirming that the GJM never gave up their Gorkhaland demand.

He, however, hinted that they are in a bid to develop all required infrastructure for a state in next few years to avoid dependency on West Bengal. He claimed that except some little similarities, the new council will be entirely different from the excommittee report. "We have demanded 302 mauzas and the committee will decide after a thorough survey," he said, hinting that Gorkhaland will not expand further towards the foothills. The territory issue is most crucial for the success of the agreement as most of the foothill dwellers (Adivasi and non-Gorkha, non-adivasi people) may put stiff resistance against this decision of inclusion.

Chhetri is aware of the matter and knows that state government may delay the process to please agitators in the foothills. "The new council will be functional only after area demarcation is completed. If government delays on this issue, the trouble will remain at the same place," warned Chhetri. Emphasizing on the administrative reforms, he revealed the GJM's basic roadmap of development where their initial focus will be on education, health and employment using natural resources of the land.

"The new council will be able to set up a new education board with new syllabus, cutting off links with the West Bengal's school education system," said Chhetri. The GJM topshot confirmed that the name of the new council is yet to be decided but said that 'Gorkhaland' word will be in the name, suggesting that the platform is now set for a separate state. Chhetri, however, confirmed Bimal Gurung will remain as the party head and the party has already finalized the name of the chairman to head the 50-member council. Chhetri, who has no doubt that the GJM will form the new council board following election, hinted that a new face will come up as the chairman.

isting Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council. "The previus one was just like a puppet agency. But now we are mostly independent and will be able to introduce rules and regulations," the Kalimpong MLA said. He admitted that maximum administrative and financial autonomy played a key role behind the success of previous bipartite meeting with Mamata Banerjee. "Banerjee has a political will to solve the trouble. Her decision to form a high-power committee to review our demand for inclusion of the areas from Dooars and Terai where Nepali-speaking people are majority provides an official endorsement of the demand," said Chhetri. 
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