GJM News- Roshan Giri, will leave for Kolkata tomorrow to review the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Bill

 SILIGURI, 29 AUG:GJMM leaders to review GTA Bill:
Senior GJMM leaders, including the general secretary, Mr Roshan Giri, will leave for Kolkata tomorrow to review the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Bill. “The copies of the Bill have been circulated among the Assembly members today. The GJMM general secretary will leave for Kolkata tomorrow. He will discuss the nitty gritty of the Bill with the state government officials before it is placed in the House on 2 September,” informed the Kalimpong MLA and the party media secretary, Dr Harkha Bahadur Chettri, over phone from Kolkata today.
Earlier, the GJMM leadership was skeptic as to whether the Bill would be tabled in the state Assembly during the monsoon session.  A few days back, the GJMM president, Mr Bimal Gurung threatened to revive the Gorkhaland demand unless the Bill was tabled in the House in course of the current session.   Mr Giri today looked contended with the copies of the Bills having been distributed among the MLAs. “We would, however, go through the contents of the Bill thoroughly before it is placed in the house. My party is happy that the state government has taken initiatives on the matter,” he said.
Dr Chettri stated that the Business Advisory Committee had held a meeting after the bill was distributed among the members of the Assembly. “It was decided that one and a half hour would be allotted for discussion on the GTA Bill on 2 September,” he said.

-statesman news service
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