Sikkim Handicrafts and Handlooms - empowering women through toy making

Sikkim/Gangtok, Dec 10 (ANI): The Directorate of Handicrafts and Handlooms which is under the aegis of the Ministry of Development of the North East Region (DONER) organised a special toy making training programme in Kolkata for the women.

The training module was meant to help women develop entrepreneurial skills for self-sustenance.
ost of the girls were aged between 14 and 24 years.

"Earlier, we did not know how to make these soft toys. But after joining here, I learnt this art. After finishing the training, we can be self-employed, and for a girl, it's great opportunity," said Passangmit Lepcha, a trainee.

Most of the women were school dropouts and hailed from rural areas.

"Every year we have new admissions, and we get students who have dropped out of schools from the rural areas. We teach them toy making and train them for a better future," said Prabir Roy, an instructor at the training programme.

The Assistant Director, Directorate of Handicrafts and Handlooms, P R Gimirey, said since the youth in village cannot afford higher education, they are given vocational training to help them stand on their own feet.

"Some of the youth from villages cannot afford to go for higher studies, so they come here and make toys. It benefits them a lot and it will also help them in their future. Later, they can set up their own business in Sikkim and it is not very expensive," said Gimirey.

The girls who underwent the training have made significant progress as they have not only become skilled in the art of making toys, but have also gained confidence to face different challenges in life. (ANI)
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