Darjeeling Hill Administration Run by Don and Mafias - Ajay Dahal

Kalimpong. 23 jan.Mukesh Sharma: After a series of murder in the hills United gorkha revolutionary front president Ajay Dahal said that after some outside forces established don and mafia to suppress gorkhaland agitation in the Darjeeling hills law and order , development ,education are been run behind the scene by these don and mafia . Small drug pedlars and addicts along with criminal have been boosted after the don has captured the political chair. without pin pointing any one he told that nowadays police run after seeing these criminal quite contrary to old days when criminal run after seeing police or a teacher. During G.N.L.F time the so called don and mafia was placed in a second phase but now they are placed in the chair and the running the administration. Many honourable politicians were murdered in board day light in the hills but the murders are untraceable who now are thinking that they are above the law and the constitution. All these have resulted in the loss of so many political figures that now Darjeeling hills have no able politician to lead. Local political interference in the police work has make gang culture to boost up he alleged. He has make an appeal to the public police, intellectuals and youth brigade to come in a same platform to stand against the so called don and mafia and to bring the lost glory of the hills and maintain a communal harmony .
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