Intensive therapy units (ITU) for North Bengal Medical College and Hospital,Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling

intensive therapy units (ITU) for North Bengal Medical College and Hospital,Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling
Siliguri, June 25: Three intensive therapy units (ITU) will be opened within a month at the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital and the district hospitals in Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling for treatment to critical patients suffering from life threatening diseases and serious injuries.
According to a source, NBMCH will monitor the two ITUs to be set up in the district hospitals in Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri.
The three hospitals were selected last year after the state government initiated a project to set up such units at a distance of every 50km.
The construction of the ITUs in all three hospitals started last year.
The ITU in Jalpaiguri is expected to open by the first week of July and the ones in Siliguri and Darjeeling will open later.
“The state government has come up with a plan to set up ITUs within every 50km. The main objective is to ensure that all people have access to critical care. The absence of such facilities has led to deaths which could have been prevented,” said Sabyasachi Das, the NBMCH superintendent.

The ITUs at the three hospitals will have equipment like ventilators, infusion pumps, pulse monitors and cardiac monitors.

The Telegraph 

Three intensive therapy units (ITU) will be opened within a month at the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital and the district hospitals in Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling

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