Darjeeling: NBSTC buses vanish from Hills

NBSTC buses vanish from Hills
The NBSTC buses, which have remained the sole mode of transport amid the ongoing Darjeeling hills bandh, have suddenly stopped offering their services.
The state government had started operating NBSTC bus services from the second week of August to help those needing transport during the shutdown. The service was not received with open arms by all residents, but as the bandh period extended, there was a large turnout of passengers in the vehicles manned by two armed personnel of the central forces.
However, the NBSTC buses have disappeared altogether from the hills since Sunday. People were seen waiting for the vehicles at depots for long hours only to be disappointed.
According to government sources, the buses have been diverted to ferry security personnel to Kalimpong with chief minister Mamata Banerjee in town. Meanwhile, NBSTC officials in Siliguri have claimed the hill service has been stopped due to a shortage of vehicles and pleaded ignorance when asked as to when services would resume. (EOIC)

NBSTC buses, which have remained the sole mode of transport amid the ongoing Darjeeling hills bandh, have suddenly stopped offering their services.

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