Tripartite meet will turn out to be a fiasco: GNLF

Gorkha National Liberation Front(GNLF) Flag
Kurseong, 2 October
Breaking a long spell of silence, the Gorkha National Liberation Front said that the tripartite meeting slated for 23 October being hyped by the GJMM is set to prove a fiasco as far as the demand for Gorkhaland is concerned. “Bimal Gurung’s party is again taking the people for a ride over the proposed dialogue. This is nothing but an extension of the farce that was enacted when the GTA was set in motion. The people pity the GJMM on its predicament,” said Mr Daya Dewan, GNLF spokesperson for Kurseong.
He further said the GJMM must explain why they had created euphoria over the GTA, affirming that the body would prove to be a penultimate point to the achievement of Gorkhaland. “Even the promise of development through the instrumentality of the GTA has become a butt of ridicule. The reality is that the people’s aspirations for statehood and development are being trampled upon,” the GNLF leader said. 
“The Hills are mired in corruption as those who have betrayed their cause are thriving at their expense,” he added.
He said it is sad that the GJMM is now reverting back to the GTA after arousing mass hysteria over Gorkhaland in the post Telangana concession scenario. “Pushed to the walls, they have nothing but the tripartite meeting to flaunt by way of achievement,” Mr Dewan said.(SNS)

Breaking a long spell of silence, the Gorkha National Liberation Front said that the tripartite meeting slated for 23 October being hyped by the GJMM is set to prove a fiasco as far as the demand for Gorkhaland

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