Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Memorandum to PM Modi

Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Memorandum to PM Modi
Kalimpong,Mukesh Sharma:  Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, an umbrella body of the twelve million Nepali speaking Indian Gorkhas living across the Country has send a letter to New PM felicitating for taking over as the 15th Prime Minister of the Nation.

Along with the letter the BGP has sent its seven-point charter of issues, which is reiterated at every triennial Convention of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, and which have not received due attention from the Union Government in the past. Therefore The body has urge upon PM to examine these seven-point charter of issues to guarantee national identity and the political security to 15 million Gorkhas in India.

Enos Das Pradhan , National President of Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh informed that the first point is Creation of a separate state for the Gorkhas of India.Along with that the Prinsangh have requested for Identification of the problems of tea garden and cinchona plantation in Darjeeling- Dooars regions as a national problem.

Meanwhile the recent attack on Gorkhas has also been placed as the body has demended to Addressing the sense of insecurity and uncertainty in the minds of Gorkhas of NE India.

Commissioning of a Doordarshan channel dedicated to the Nepali-speaking Gorkhas,Accessing for Gorkhas all social benefits under Constitutional provisions like SC, ST, OBC, etc, in all parts of India and nomination of Gorkhas to public and government bodies,Recognition of Gorkhas as a linguistic minority community and Empowering the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh to issue certificates for the purpose of recruitment to the armed forces are other issues

Pradhan told that The Gorkhas across the nation were delighted when PM Modi made a declaration in one of his election rallies that the dream of Gorkhas is his dream and we trust that God has now placed you in that position to help fulfilling that dream of Gorkhas. He informed that the Bhagop team has met Narendra Modi personally in Ahmedabad on March 15 last year and have told and given a memorandum in the seven demands.

His  motto of SAB KE SATH SAB KE VIKASH has indeed been a rallying point for all religious and linguistic minority groups in this country.

Now that he has become the prime minister, we believe it will be easier for us to pursue the issues,” said Pradhan.

BGP executive member R Moktan added the organisation plans to meet Modi very soon and discuss the seven demands with him.

Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Memorandum to PM Modi, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, an umbrella body of the twelve million Nepali speaking Indian Gorkhas living across the Country

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