GJM Calls Off Electricity Office Strike, WBSEDCL to revise electricity bills in Darjeeling hills

GJM Calls Off Electricity Office Strike  WBSEDCL to revise generated electricity bills in Darjeeling hills
The West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited on Monday announced it would revise the electricity bills being generated in the Darjeeling hills and also facilitate instalments for thse consumers who need to pay significant amounts.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had enforced an indefinite closure of WBSEDCL offices across the hills beginning today denouncing the exorbitant amounts being charged to consumers for power usage.
However, Gorkhaland Territorial Administration officials held a meeting this afternoon with the WBSEDCL chairman and the Darjeeling district magistrate to address the issue. GTA sabhasad and GJM general secretary Roshan Giri said, “We did not discuss aboutthe bills related to the statehood agitation period as this will be taken up in a meeting with the state government. We just deliberated on the moot issues in the bills for the August 2011 to February 2015 period.”
Giri said the WBSEDCL has agreed to revise the current inflated bills on case basis. “The power supplier has agreed to hear complaints of those consumers slapped with high amounts depending on the merits of each case. Further, late surcharges will not be charged with consumers getting the flexibility to clear their dues in 60 instalments over a five-year period. The WBSEDCL has also promised to replace faulty metres,” he said.
WBSEDCL chairman Narayan Swarup Nigam said the meeting was successful. “The discussions were positive and we are sure a workable solution can be achieved. We have come to certain conclusions and will ensure consumers are not inconvenienced,” he said.
When asked about the spot billing issue that the GJM has proscribed since Saturday, Nigam said, “We will sit for a meeting with the agencies providing us with the service. The matter was not raised today.”
Late in the evening, Giri told reporters the shutdown call on WBSEDCL offices has been lifted and another meeting with WBSEDCL officials is scheduled for Wednesday. (EOIC)

Also read Bimal Gurung to stop power spot billing system in Darjeeling 

GJM Calls Off Electricity Office Strike WBSEDCL to revise generated electricity bills in Darjeeling hills - The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had enforced an indefinite closure of WBSEDCL offices across the hills beginning today

Read latest post filed under political news, regional news

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