Indra Bahadur Rai's book Sampurak released in Kalimpong

Indra Bahadur Rai's book Sampurak released in Kalimpong
Renowned litterateur Indra Bahadur Rai new critique book ‘Sampurak’ along writer Sanjay Bisht Story Collection ‘Jun Jastai Gham’, poet Sudhir Chettri ‘Feri Arko Anustup’, and Song book Kaha Paryo Chautari of Puskar Parajuli was released todat at a time in Kalimpong.
Books released program was held under the banner of Umpa Publication the book publisher.
The program was under the president ship of Noted poet Sanumati Rai . Mohan P Dahal was present as the chief guest while Rajnarayan Pradhan and Mohan Thakuri as Special Guest.
Tika Bhai Yuwa Sahitya Acadamy Puraskar winner this year was too felicitated today on the day.
Sikkims Pravin Rai Jumeli and Dr Rajendra Bhandari threw light on Nepali Poetry reading journey while Jai Cactus on synchronous Nepali literature. Many literary figure and local was seen in the program.

Report by Mukesh Sharma

Renowned litterateur Indra Bahadur Rai new critique book ‘Sampurak’ along writer Sanjay Bisht Story Collection ‘Jun Jastai Gham’, poet Sudhir Chettri ‘Feri Arko Anustup’, and Song book Kaha Paryo Chautari of Puskar Parajuli was released todat at a time in Kalimpong.

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