Pokhari Kancha traditional medicine man claims he can cure all life threatening diseases

Pokhari Kancha traditional medicine man claims he can cure all life threatening diseases
A 75-year-old traditional medicine practitioner from a tea garden in Darjeeling claims he can cure a person of all life threatening diseases known to man including cancer and Ebola. Prem Dorjee Sherpa, better known as Pokhari Kancha, has been treating people with traditional medicines since he was 20, and says he has cured hundreds of patients with life-threatening diseases. Speaking today at the Siliguri Journalists’ Club, Sherpa threw an open challenge: he is ready to face any punishment and even legal action if he fails to keep up to his claim.

A resident of Mim tea estate near Sukhaypokhari, Pokhari Kancha said, “I want to draw the attention of the media to the fact that I have been

treating people with all types of ailments. I want to leverage this platform to tell the public that I can cure many life-threatening diseases. I have been treating the ill since I was 20 years old and now I seek the media’s help to reach out to more people.”

He said he has treated patients from the Darjeeling hills, Sikkim, Delhi, Punjab, south India and various regions of the country. Many of his patients were suffering from cancer, serious kidney ailments and jaundice of the liver, said Pokhari Kancha.

He said he was in Siliguri back in 2001 when the town was gripped by a deadly fever that killed many people. “Many people I attended to are leading healthy lives and they are the living proof of my work,” said Sherpa.

Traditional medicine is very much relevant today and their healing powers must be acknowledged, says the septuagenarian. “I use medicinal plants and herbs to prepare medicines that are highly effective in treating patients who have lost all hope in conventional medicine,” he claims.

“Being a resident of a remote a tea garden, I have limited access to the public at large and hence need the media’s help. I can save patients whom even the best doctors have given up all hope. I am ready to accept any challenge as my only desire is to save people,” said Sherpa.(EOIC input)

Prem Dorjee Sherpa, better known as Pokhari Kancha - A 75-year-old traditional medicine practitioner from a tea garden in Darjeeling claims he can cure a person of all life threatening diseases known to man including cancer and Ebola.

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