Sikkim strength lifter Pema Dorjee Bhutia to participate in International Championship Bahrain

Sikkim strength lifter Pema Dorjee Bhutia to participate in International Championship Bahrain
Sikkim strength lifter Pema Dorjee Bhutia to participate in the 3rd Senior Master Men & Women International Strength lifting Inclined Bench Press Championship 2015. He will be participating in the usual weight category of 85-90 kgs. The championship will be held in Manama Bahrain from 21st – 24th February.

Pema will be leaving on 16th from Sikkim to Kolkata and from there the India team comprising of 30 members - 10 women and 12 men will be leaving for Manama Bahrain on 18th February.

He is the very first person from the State to participate in the international level and it is indeed a big achievement for Sikkim Strength lifting Association (SSA).

‘I am very happy to get such a great opportunity to represent my State as well as my country in the international level. I am hopeful to earn a medal for my country there. I have been practicing with full dedication. I practice two and half hours every morning and two hours every evening. I would like to thank Sikkim Strength lifting Association, SAP Commandant and officials and the well wishers for their support and also Chief Minister Pawan Chamling for sponsoring him for this trip’, said Pema.

I feel in the span of two years SSA has made a huge progress and I feel in the coming days other up-coming lifters will also get a chance to participate internationally, he added.

46 years Pema is from Penlong and he is former Mr Sikkim. He is head constable of Sikkim Armed Police by profession and also the gym instructor of SAP.

So far Pema has won 5 gold medals in Strength lifting, Gold medal in the very first attempt in strength lifting, Master Champion of Champions last year, Best player of the tournament this year, 3rd in Eastern India Body Building Championship at Odisha and 2 gold in State weight lifting championship

Rinzing Wangyal Chopel publicity secretary SSA congratulated Pema and expressed their gratitude towards Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, AR Mindra Sports secretary and all the well wishers for their support. He said that SSA has been improving tremendously with their efforts so far.  He also appealed the State Sports department to provide incentives to their players.(EOIC)

Sikkim strength lifter Pema Dorjee Bhutia to participate in the 3rd Senior Master Men & Women International Strength lifting Inclined Bench Press Championship 2015, championship will be held in Manama Bahrain from 21st – 24th February.

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