MP Raju Bista takes oath in Nepali, wins hearts in Darjeeling

MP Raju Bista takes oath in Nepali, wins hearts in Darjeeling
Darjeeling: Darjeeling MP Raju Bista on Tuesday took his oath in Parliament as a member of the 17th Lok Sabha. He took his oath in Nepali, much to the welcome of people from Darjeeling and Gorkhas all over the country.
Nepali is one of the 8th Schedule languages recognised by the Constitution of India. Sikkim MP Indra Hang Subba also took his oath in Nepali earlier on Tuesday.
Wearing a traditional ‘Gorkha Topi’, Raju Bista ended his pledge with Jai Hind, Jai Gorkha, Jai Shree Ram', much to the cheers of other members present in Parliament. "Bista’s oath in Nepali has sent a positive message for the Gorkha community spread across India," a press statement released by Bista said.
Welcoming the gesture of the MP, a young supporter of the MP said, “It is inspiring to see young leaders speaking in their own language at such important places like Parliament. This is an indication that there is a growing awareness and consciousness about our language and culture among the youth. I appreciate both Raju Bista and Indra Hang Subba for their decisions.”
When asked about his decision to take the oath in Nepali, Bista said: "For every one of us, mother tongue is the first life skill we develop, understand, and learn. However, today there is very less attention given to native languages in terms of educational and career opportunities. I hope that in coming days, there will be more opportunities made available to support and promote local languages.”

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Darjeeling MP Raju Bista on Tuesday took his oath in Parliament as a member of the 17th Lok Sabha. He took his oath in Nepali, much to the welcome of people from Darjeeling and Gorkhas all over the country.

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