Shanta Chhetri raises Gorkha Recruitment Depot and Record Office from Darjeeling shifting issue in Rajya Sabha

Shanta Chhetri raises Gorkha Recruitment Depot and Record Office from Darjeeling shifting issue in Rajya Sabha
Shanta Chhetri in Rajya Sabha speaks on the need for reconsidering the decision to shift Gorkha Recruitment Depot and Gorkha Record Office from Darjeeling

Honourable Sir, I would like to thank you for allowing me to speak. I would like to draw the kind attention of this august House to reports saying the Gorkha Recruitment Depot and the Gorkha Records Office are going to be shifted out of Darjeeling. This has become a concern for the people living in the Hills. I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that since the establishment of the Gorkha Recruitment Depot at Ghum in Darjeeling in 1890, it has, over the years, become an important part of Gorkha heritage, and thus there is huge public sentiment associated with it.
The Gorkha Recruitment Ddepot’s primary objective is recruitment of Nepali Gorkhas from eastern Nepal and the Darjeeling district of West Bengal .With the passage of time, it has gained tremendous technical significance due to the fact that it has catered to the need for Gorkha soldiers in the Indian Army over generations.
Sir, the very thought of the Gorkha Recruitment Depot and the Gorkha Records Office being shifted out of our Hills has sent shockwaves in the entire region. So I would like to draw the kind attention of our Honourable Defence Minister to reconsider this highly unpopular decision.
Thank You.

Shanta Chhetri in Rajya Sabha speaks on the need for reconsidering the decision to shift Gorkha Recruitment Depot and Gorkha Record Office from Darjeeling

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