Hill Trinamool isn't happy with GTA Functioning

Trinamool (Hills) Darjeeling subdivision observer Rajen Mukhia
Darjeeling: The Trinamool (Hills) isn’t happy with the functioning of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) even as the party has been supporting the Binay Tamang-led GJM in running GTA.
Trinamool (Hills) Darjeeling subdivision observer Rajen Mukhia got the feedback at a meeting of the party’s frontal organizations in Darjeeling on Monday. Party organisers at the meeting alleged that GTA was not functioning properly; some leaders pointed to allegations of nepotism against the autonomous body.
Mukhia said: “I have been given the responsibility to look into problems faced by people of the Hills. In the meeting today, it was pointed out to me by our party cadres that GTA had failed to undertake proper development projects. Even the recruitment process for teachers was biased and family members were favoured over genuine candidates.”

The GTA, he added, was formed to work for people irrespective of their political leanings. “We want proper implementation of all development work in the Hills for which the state government has allotted huge amounts. Capable people who are already working as teachers should be given appointment,” Mukhia said.
The Trinamool leader added that he would seek an appointment with GTA chairman Anit Thapa after Independence Day. (TOI)

The Trinamool (Hills) isn’t happy with the functioning of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) even as the party has been supporting the Binay Tamang-led GJM in running GTA.

Read latest post filed under North Bengal, political news

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