Ex servicemen associations encourage youths to join Army

Ex servicemen associations encourage youths to join Army
Darjeeling: With lesser job seekers in the Army from Darjeeling and Kalimpong Hills, fears of shifting of the Gorkha Recruiting Depot (GRD) has arisen. Ex-servicemen associations in Darjeeling have given a call to the Hill youths to join the Army in larger numbers. In the past, a large section of youths from the Hills used to aspire to join the Army. The reason for this is that there are very few takers for jobs in the Army from the Hills these days. In this era of unemployment, Army jobs are highly paid and our youths should be encouraged to join," said Tamang. 


With lesser job seekers in the Army from Darjeeling and Kalimpong Hills, fears of shifting of the Gorkha Recruiting Depot (GRD) has arisen. Ex-servicemen associations in Darjeeling have given a call to the Hill youths to join the Army

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