Sikkim Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland dissatisfied with GJM

Convenor of Sikkim Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland Mr. Bharat Basnett has expressed his dissatisfaction on the turn of events in the hills.
Mr Basnett said that many people have lost their lives in the fight for Gorkhaland and any decision taken by the Gorkha Janmikti Morcha will have to justify these sacrifices.
The Forum has further mentioned that the GJMM should be placing their demands for the formation of the separate state of Gorkhaland to the West Bengal Government and if not a Statehood then it should at least press for the grant of Union Territory. He further added that the Forum was formed for the support of the demand for Gorkhaland and that the State Government of Sikkim has also been supporting their cause, the recent Gorkhaland Resolution passed in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly stands as a proof to that. But he also added that the actual demand has to come from Darjeeling and its leader.
He further informed that a mass awareness programme will be organized in North Sikkim by the Forum on 16th June.
Courtesy: Sikkim Mail
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