Dimapur, July 23 (MExN): The election of Dimapur Gorkha Union (DGU) will be held on July 30 from 10:00 a.m onwards as per the decision taken by the Election Commission on July 18. As per the constitution amended in the general meeting of the DGU on May 15, only the units of DGU and the affiliated/recognized frontal organizations under DGU can have its members in the Central Executive Council (CEC) and shall have the contesting and voting rights, while the Gorkha Students Union Dimapur will be having only the voting right. The EC informed that, the Forms for the CEC membership was issued only to the Units/Frontal Organizations as per the official copy received by the EC from the DGU.
It further notifies that, after the declaration of the election and in the transitional period, the EC has nothing to do with any new affiliations/recognitions for any of the existing Units or the Frontal Organizations which are not included in the official list submitted by the DGU to the Commission. The Commission is functioning as per the powers vested upon during the General Meeting attended by all the Units, affiliated/recognised Frontal Organizations under the DGU and the general Gorkha public.
It is also to inform the general public that, the Constitution amended by the DGU is to have a Free and Fare election and that, the EC was constituted by the representatives from all the (Four) affiliated/recognised Frontal Organizations. The Commission further notifies that, it will not allow any manipulation what so ever during the course of the election and requests all the Units, affiliated/recognised Frontal Organizations and the general public to co-operate with the Commission to conduct the election in a Free, Fare and peaceful manner. Any body who so desires may have the copy of the amended constitution from the Convener of the EC. This was informed in a press release issued by DGU, EC, Convener, Dipak Lama.
Dimapur Gorkha Union election on July 30
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