Gorkhaland – a state within a state

Deepak Roy from Kolkata: The tripartite agreement on the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration ( GTA ) signed by West Bengal government, the Centre and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. The accord will pave the way for a separate state "Gorkhaland" which will fulfil the Gorkhas' century old quest for self-rule.
The agreement was signed on 18 July, 2011 at Pintail village, the epicentre of the Gorkha campaign for their ethnic identity in the Terai in presence of Indian home minister P.Chidambaram, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) chief Bimal Gurung. The signatories to the agreement were West Bengal home secretary GD Goutama, Central home ministry joint secretary KK Pathak and GJM's general secretary Roshan Giri. During signing the treaty, thousands of Gorkhas in the hills celebrated and the plains were in a state of mourning. A complete bundh in plains was observed, shops, offices and establishment were closed, roads were virtually empty as if a major calamity had fallen on them.
The Bangla o Banglabhasha Banchao committee called a 48-hour bundh on signing day of the agreement in Siliguri sub-division in Darjeeling district and the Dooars in Jalpaiguri. Gorkha Janmukti Morcha demands for inclusion of areas in the Terai, the Dooars and Siliguri based on contiguity, homogeneity and ground reality.
Gorkhaland movement has been instigated by the central government or may say that the movement of erstwhile Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) was central government's sponsored movement with a target to destabilise then Left Front government of Jyoti Basu. The GNLF was formed in 1980 and demanded a separate Gorkhaland state comprising Darjeeling and its some surrounding areas, incorporation of Nepali language in eighth topsil in Indian constitution, scraping of seventh clause of the Indo – Nepal treaty signed in 1950. The seventh clause of the treaty stated that India and Nepal recognises rights to the citizen of both countries to live acquire property, business and free movement.
In 1789 Nepal concurred a track of lands in Sikkim but Sikkim recaptured this land through British and this land is Darjeeling now Gorkhaland. In early stage about a hundred 'Lepcha' families were living in Darjeeling and they were the real aborigines, later joined by ' Mecha' and 'Bhutia'. But Gorkhas migrated from Nepal in large numbers in search of works in the Tea gardens and Lepcha, Mecha and Bhutia were become minority. A forgotten chapter of history that Anglo – Succession had driven out the Britons and named their state – England, same was repeated in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Karsheung which should be named 'Lepchaland' but it was a cruel fate that these lands now named Gorkhaland. India is a vast country not built up under one national identity or national culture. When India started fighting against British colonialism, all emerging nationalistic organs concentrated to form under one great nation and it was a robust structure of unity and solidarity of all Indians. Different regional national cultures were diluted and formed a composite great Indian culture. We are celebrating 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore who had established concept of the Great nation for Indian reckonable, thus India is a multi – national country under one bondage. On the context of present scenario of Indian politics, present Gorkhaland movement should be judged. Despite of very limited scale of economic prosperity people of one place migrates to another place and same trend prevails , although now migration either for economic emancipation or due to war or racial riots etc. The Indian constitution has openly given right to its all citizens for free movement to any where in India ( sometimes restrictions imposed in some disturbed places for citizens' safety). So solidarity among the great nation it should have enlarged cultural bridge among people, not to create a wall to isolate.
The Gorkhaland movement vis-à-vis the signed treaty of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) estranged Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Karshiung now from West Bengal, here apprehending a germ sowed for separation. Gorkhaland – a composition of Nepalese Gorkhas and for them now an autonomous administration have been formed through this GTA treaty, Nepalese Gorkhas were spreaded across India and by setting up a small Gorkhaland all Nepalese Gorkhas aspirations can not be solved. It was evidence that the Gorkhaland movement had been instigated and influenced by inside and outside reactionary forces, the movement launched by rising middle-class Gorkhas and in long run they will be frustrated for non fulfilment of their economic demand. The nationalistic movement is too catchy and soon gain popularity by large masses. The movement of Assom Gono Parishad ( AGP ) in Assam, Khalistan movement in Punjab are best example in recent time politics in India. The UPA government of Monmohon Singh is still undecided on Telangana issue, when Telangana will get statehood, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha will stride for a separate Gorkhaland state, and they have kept alive of their slogan of Gorkhaland state as it has not been dropped. Although, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee hoped that Hills and the plains were ' like sisters' and that bond should not be broken'.
The GTA territories located in near corridors to Nepal and Bangladesh and any political turmoil leads to separation might be a big problem of India. Sikkim is also concerned in formation of GTA as its original habitants – Lepcha, Mecha and Bhutia were become minority and they are afraid that the separate Gorkhaland state may expand in Sikkim. GTA is a 'Landmine' implanded, " democracy does not consist of majority rule but of majority rule with consideration for minorities".
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