Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) meeting in the picturesque hill station of Darjeeling, north-east India

DHARAMSHALA, August 24: The largest pro-independence group in exile, the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), is meeting for its annual Working Committee Meeting in the picturesque hill station of Darjeeling, north-east India.

The four-day meeting which began Monday to discuss the organisations’ course of action in the next calendar year is being attended by more than 115 representatives from 39 regional chapters of TYC.

In his inaugural address, Tsewang Rigzin, TYC president paid homage to the sacrifices being made by Tibetan inside Tibet, highlighting the recent acts of self-immolation by monks Phuntsok and Tsewang Norbu in Tibet.

“Despite the fact that they were born post occupation and had never experienced a free Tibet yet gave up their lives for their country at such a tender age,” Rigzin said.

Emphasising on the “major roles and firm stances” that TYC has taken over the past four decades since its inception, Rigzin said that its members should be ready to shoulder greater responsibilities following the devolution of political authority by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

“TYC while supporting His Holiness’ decision made it clear that we will work harder for the cause and more than ever before will remain resolute in our commitment to serving our country,” Rigzin added.

Chief-guest of the inaugural function, His Eminence Kyabje Shingza Rinpoche Lobsang Tenzin Choekyi Gyaltsen, himself a recent escapee from Tibet, noted the aspirations that Tibetan people in Tibet have from TYC for retaining the “importance and legacy of Rangzen (independence)”.

“People in Tibet often advice fleeing Tibetans: ‘When you go into exile, you must fight for Rangzen because if it is autonomy you will fight then you might as well come back. We in Tibet do all that we can inside here; your responsibility being outside is to keep the fight alive,’” Shingza Rinpoche said.

Describing TYC as “a thorn in the eyes of China”, Shingza Rinpoche complimented TYC for being “the industry from where all the prominent members in the Tibetan community have been produced”.

Highlighting the significance of holding the meeting in Darjeeling, where His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama had spent a few years in exile fleeing Manchu occupation in 1910, TYC Vice President Dhondup Lhadar reminded the gathering of the Great 13th Dalai Lama’s contribution towards the restoration of Tibet’s independence.

“Upon his return to Tibet from Darjeeling, the Great 13th Dalai Lama made the historic declaration of Independence of Tibet. Likewise in this gathering we must strategise to bring our leader His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama back to Tibet,” Lhadar said.
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