BHTM Gangtok celebrated Tourism Festival

MANGAN, November, 24: Tourism Festival on 22nd Nov.2011, the festival was celebrated by the students of BHTM (bachelors of Tourism & Hospitality management), Gangtok, 1st semester of ICFAI University coordinated by Subject teacher Nirmala Rai.
The objectives of this festival are to bring the importance of cultural interaction between the students from different places. As we have students from Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim having different cultural background and this kinds of programmes gives them an opportunity to share their cultural and it also gives an opportunity to develop their talents, creative ideas and various skills. The following programmes were showcased- Display of paintings & photographs, display of traditional food items, traditional cultural programmes (Dances & Songs-Bhutia, Nepali, Lepcha, Limboo, Bhutanese), display of various traditional clothes on the ramp and group song (we are the world) dedicated to the victims of earthquake in Sikkim, Turkey, Tsunami in Japan and flood in Bangkok
The theme for the programme was ‘Young generation and Culture’ and motto was to create the awareness and importance of culture among the young generation so that instead of adopting the other’s cultural (western) they could learn good things from other’s culture and carry on their own culture giving it an importance as culture is an important part of Tourism industry. And the programme concluded successfully.
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