GJM Delhi condemns biased attitude of State Govt towards morcha

GJM Delhi
Analyzing the present political scenario in the hills of late, wherein a member of GJM and GTA Sabha and his fellowmen were arrested on allegedly baseless and un-founded allegations without any concrete evidence, the state government not sticking to terms  and conditions as agreed upon in the Tripartite Agreement, interference in the internal administration despite terming  GTA  to be an autonomous body etc. etc makes it clear that GJM and GTA have been merely made  scapegoat by the State Government to score browny political points in Writers Building.  The Parent Body, of Delhi GJM hereby condem the approach of the State Government towards Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.

Ranjan Sharma, Advocate/ General Secretary of Delhi GJM,  Rustam Chettri- Vice President , Lopsang Lama- Joint Secretary have in a press release on behalf of Parents Body, outrightly condemned the biased attitude of  State Government towards GJM . The FIR and the criminal complaint is a complete sham, devoid of any merits as per law and  miscarriage of justice. It is a clear cut case of conspiracy hatched by the State Government to create differences among the people in the hills. .

Ranjan Sharma, says that  if analysed from the legal point of view, in cases of registration of FIR on alleged violation of  criminal law , the Hon'ble Supreme Court in “  State Of Haryana And Ors vs  Bhajan Lal & Ors”" a land marked judgment, has  clearly laid down that if  FIR is registered against any person  the police has to  first ensure that the case  prima facie constitute any offence. The contents of FIR should disclose a cognizable offence, justifying an investigation by police officers.  The evidence collected in support of the same should disclose commission of any offence and make out a case against the accused.  The allegations made in the FIR are so absurd and inherently improbable manifestly attended with malafide The entire proceeding is maliciously instituted with an ulterior motive for wreaking vengeance upon GJM . However non of the ingredients laid down in the above judgment are fulfilled in the present case and the entire episode is just a ploy to harass GJM and plant faction in the hills. Delhi GJM has actively supported and stood along the party at all times and in future also we shall raise a voice if injustice is meted out to our innocent citizens. We also suggest a petition under section 482 CrPC can be filed at Kolkata High Court and get the FIR quashed under due  process of law.

GJM Delhi condemns biased attitude of State Govt towards morcha - Analyzing the present political scenario in the hills of late, wherein a member of GJM and GTA Sabha

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