GJMM Delhi rebut to BHAGOP and CPRM statement given in Kalimpong

Gorkha Janmukti morcha(GJMM) delhi
With reference to the press statement given by the bigwigs of Gorkha Parisangh recently in Kalimpong wherein it has been blindly mentioned that GTA is a roadblock in the statehood demand,  Parents Body of Delhi unit of GJM has shown great resentment . Ranjan Sharma , General Secretary of Delhi GJM says that there is no clarity in the statement “GTA is a roadblock for the statehood demand”. Mere assertions shall not suffice but such baseless statements should be substantiated with valid grounds.   A question which arises is that how no statehood demand cannot be achieved despite the fact that it has clearly been mentioned in the Tripartite Agreement dated 18 July 2011 that the demand has not been dropped. The terms used in the Tripartite Agreement “while not dropping their demand for a separate State of Gorkhaland”  and further “keeping on record the demand of the GJM for a separate State of Gorkhaland” bears tremendous legal strength and sanctity and I’m sure any legal luminary or a political analyst would agree.  

Ranjan Sharma says that the arrangement of GTA is an interim arrangement arrived upon to strengthen the economy, to attain all round development of the hills and gradually with each passing day peace and normalcy  in the hills is being restored and developmental projects cropping up steadily . The recent visit to the Doors by the representatives of Bhagop , CPRM etc is a political stunt to mislead and brainwash the people of Dooars, crafted upon to dilute GJM supporters and vote bank in the region. Bhagop and CPRM are toothless organization with no foundation and it does not possess the mandate of the public at large.

 It has also been alleged in the article that the political parties demanding statehood have been resorting to wrong argument and strategy.  Ranjan sharma asks that  :-  Are the arguments ” Gorkhas bear no resemblance with Bengalis,  Bengali culture and ethnicity”   &  ” Inclusion of Darjeeling District  in West Bengal was a historical blunder”  wrong arguments ?? Where were Bhagop, GTF and CPRM when Justice Shyamal Sen report was out?  Why dint they raise voice of resentment when Justice Shyamal Sen made statements in the media that the report is purely constitutional and completely balanced in the eyes of law? When Shyamal Sen acknowledged in the report that Gorkhas reside in minority in Dooars and Tarai, why did they sit over the issue then ,when the need arose? All of a sudden when panchayat elections are round the corner in Dooars, their visit to  the areas thereby reflect their political ambitions in the coming days.  They say that the issue of development itself is wrong. I would like to ask," If the issue of development is flawed what about Gujrat and Bihar?  wherein stalwarts like Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar have brought these states in the national and international spectrum.  If all round development in the educational, social and economic front is achieved, nobody, not even the central and state government can say “no” to Gorkhaland. Afterall, India is a parliamentary democracy wherein the voice of the people is supreme.

GJMM Delhi rebut to BHAGOP and CPRM- With reference to the press statement given by the bigwigs of Gorkha Parisangh recently in Kalimpong wherein it has been blindly mentioned that GTA

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