Darjeeling students in Jadavpur Varsity fall prey to ragging

Jadavpur University
Reports of two students from Darjeeling at Jadavpur University falling victim to ragging has reached the University Grants Commission and Human Rights Protection Association, Darjeeling.

JU authorities initiated a thorough investigation and found two senior students guilty of ragging and summarily suspended them. However, some friends of the two suspended seniors have continued opposing the suspension, according to 2nd year student Pritam Subba, whose complaint led to the suspension.

“We have six students from the hills in the 1st year and seniors had tried to rag them by imposing a dress code,” said Subba. “Along with my friend Ashish Tamang, I protested and since then, we have been their targets.”

He said two of the six 1st year students were not allocated rooms in the hostel and he and Tamang had allowed them to stay in their room, but they found out later this was not allowed as per hostel rules.

The friends of the two suspended seniors found in this an opportunity to continue harassing the students from the hills, according to Subba. He said the seniors used abusive language and threatened to beat them up if the two 1st year students were not asked to leave immediately.

Commenting on the matter, HRPA Darjeeling district president Lochan Gurung said the incident is being investigated and the association would ensure justice is delivered.(EOI)

Reports of two students from Darjeeling at Jadavpur University falling victim to ragging has reached the University Grants Commission and Human Rights Protection Association, Darjeeling

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