Deb takes strong exception to Gurung’s diktat

 north Bengal development minister, Mr Gautam Deb
The north Bengal development minister, Mr Gautam Deb, said necessary action would be taken if the 
Constitutional provisions are violated. Mr Deb said the Centre had been provoking the Hill issue to create 
pressure on the state government. 
“No one is above the law. The state government has been monitoring the 
situation in the Hills. The administration would take strong action if the provisions of the Constitution are 
violated,” Mr Deb said in 
Siliguri today when asked to comment on the Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha chief Mr Bimal Gurung having asked the students to 
campaign for a separate state of Gorkhaland.(SNS)

The north Bengal development minister, Mr Gautam Deb, said necessary action would be taken if the Constitutional provisions are violated. Mr Deb said the Centre had been provoking the Hill issue to create pressure on the state government.

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