GJM holds huge rally at Mela Ground to condemn Mamata’s speech

GJM holds huge rally at Mela Ground
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders today gathered at the Mela Ground in Kalimpong leading a huge crowd and shouting anti-Mamata slogans in reaction to the chief minister’s speech at the same venue on Tuesday. A huge crowd of GJM supporters had gathered at Damber Chowk earlier for a rally to protest Mamata’s speech.
The rally marched across town with thousands of participants shouting ‘Mukhyamantri Murdabad’. The public meeting that followed was presided over by Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee chairman Enos Das Pradhan and saw the presence of GJM women’s wing leader Bandana Yonjon, Vidyarthi Morcha leader Deep Thapa and Janmukti Secondary Teachers’ Organisation (JSTO) member Vijay Pradhan, among others.
Pradhan condemned the anti-Gorkhaland speech of the CM saying September 3 would be remembered by the Gorkhas as a black day in their history. He said Mamata’s speech has inspired the hills people to make a Gorkhaland state a reality while she is still around. “Laloo had asserted a state of Jharkhand would be formed only over his dead body, but Jharkhand was formed and Laloo is still very much alive,” quipped the GJAC chairman.
Nari Morcha leader Bandana Yonjan criticised the local Lepcha community of trying to create a division among the hills people with the support of the CM. “We will not be divided until our state is formed,” she said.
Vidyarthi Morcha leader Deep Thapa also condemned the hills TMC leaders. He said the creation of a Gorkhaland state would benefit all Gorkhas residing in the country, while accusing some sections of the Lepcha community of being self-centered.(EOI)

Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders today gathered at the Mela Ground in Kalimpong leading a huge crowd and shouting anti-Mamata slogans in reaction to the chief minister’s speech

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