GJAC chairman urges against taking Mamata’s words personally

GJAC chairman Enos Das Pradhan
Notwithstanding the anti-Gorkhaland comments and criticism of hill leaders by Mamata Banerjee hurting the sentiments of those spearheading the statehood agitation, GJAC chairman Enos Das Pradhan has said the comments of the chief minister should not be taken personally as her words are always politically motivated.
He said, “Her (Mamata) comments have hurt us. It is but natural to feel hurt by criticism and opposition, but she is neither the Constitution of India nor the Indian government.”
Pradhan warned the Gorkha community against reacting negatively to the CM’s comment and taking wrong steps. Describing Mamata as an “illiterate CM”, he accused her of possessing no knowledge about the Darjeeling hills and the Gorkha people. Fearing a rift could build up between the Gorkhas and Lepchas in the coming days, Pradhan said the actions of the CM under the present circumstances prove she is bent on pursuing a ‘divide and rule’ policy howsoever she may deny it.
However, the GJAC chairman refrained from commenting on the ongoing bandh and when it might end. “The GJM will take a decision on that,” he said, adding the GJAC would discuss future course of actions after its delegation returns from the centre.(EOI)

GJAC chairman Enos Das Pradhan has said the comments of the chief minister should not be taken personally as her words are always politically motivated.

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