Gorkhaland Issue: GJAC delegation in Delhi to meet organisations

Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee
A team from the Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee, which is heading the statehood agitation by focusing on the centre, today reached the national capital. The delegation led by Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh president Dr. Enos Das Pradhan and others including Sukhman Moktan and Pravakar Dewan discussed about the present situation in the hills, government policy regarding the movement and other related issues at a meeting between BGP and Gorkhaland Task Force members.
They have decided to organise a massive gathering of Gorkha community members from all over the country in December at the Ramlila Maidan in Delhi, according to GTF general secretary Munish Tamang. He said the meeting is aimed to make the Gorkhaland state demand a national issue and attract the attention of the government and the nation as a whole.
Answering a question on the GTA, Tamang said, “The GJM has declared it will make the GTA dysfunctional. The party has given its word in a GJAC meeting but it remains to be seen if the word is kept.
Tamang said the statehood struggle should not be confined to the hills even as the state and central governments are trying out all means to prevent it from gaining national attention. He said the GTF, BGP and GJAC are now fully focused on taking the movement to the national level.(EOI)

Gorkhaland Issue: GJAC delegation in Delhi to meet organisations - A team from the Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee, which is heading the statehood agitation by focusing on the centre

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