Kalimpong court denies bail to GTA sabhasads Binay Tamang and Nima Tamang

 Kalimpong court denies bail to GTA sabhasads Binay Tamang and Nima Tamang
Kalimpong,Pradip Lohagun: GTA sabhasads Binay Tamang and Nima Tamang were today produced before Kalimpong court in relation to a number of charges against them. They were denied bail as most are non-bailable cases lodged in various areas.

Tamang has been booked for three cases by the Kalimpong police under GR 244/13. He has also been booked under GR 28/13 along with sabhasad Satish Pokhrael.

Further, Pokhrael and Tamang have been accused of blocking NH 31A, with defence lawyer Rajiv Parajuli saying the case has got prolonged as the police failed to produce the case diary before court within the stipulated timeframe. As a result, the duo has been denied bail.

Meanwhile, Nima Tamang and seven others were granted bail on two cases. But again, Tamang could not be released due to a non-bailable charge against him registered at Kurseong police station.

Binay Tamang and Satish Pokhrael were brought to Kalimpong from Jalpaiguri prison and Siliguri prison, respectively in the morning, while Nima Tamang arrived here around 4 pm from Siliguri. He was granted bail on GR 190/13 and 191/13, but a non-bailable charge withheld his release.

After the court session, Binay Tamang was taken to Jalpaiguri while Nima Tamang and Satish Pokhrael were taken to Siliguri.

Binay Tamang, who is also the GJM assistant secretary, addressed media personnel before departing where he said, “This ranks of the government’s subterfuge. I was arrested on two charges, but now they have increased to nine. We have nothing to say on this. They have the power and we are falling victims to the evil designs of the ruling party.”

He added, “There is a conspiracy going on against us. We undergo mental torture in prison but we have overlooked it. We hope we will be released one day.”

Tamang urged the GJM leadership to continue taking the agitation forward. Commenting on the decision to lift the hunger strike in prison, he said it was done following the direction of the party high command.

The administration has arrested several GTA sabhasads and they include Ramesh Lama, Kalyan Dewan, Nima Tamang and Mahendra Pradhan and they have all been detained in different prisons.

GTA sabhasads Binay Tamang and Nima Tamang were today produced before Kalimpong court in relation to a number of charges against them. They were denied bail as most are non-bailable cases lodged in various areas.

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