No discussions on Gorkhaland in meeting with home minister: People’s Forum

People’s Forum secretary Prabin Gurung Kalimpong,Pradip Lohagun:
People’s Forum secretary Prabin Gurung today claimed no talks on the Gorkhaland issue transpired on Tuesday’s meeting between the GJAC delegation and Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde. He said the talks mainly focused on matters related to the GTA.
The forum secretary expressed grave doubts on the mindset of the leadership and said, “In the meeting with the home minister, the GJAC leaders neither demanded Gorkhaland nor did talks on the issue take place. The meeting revolved around the question of why GTA had become a failure.”
According to Gurung, only issues such as the state government’s interference in the GTA’s functioning, breaching of agreements, non-withdrawal of criminal cases against GJM cadres and delay in handing over departments to the GTA were discussed during the meeting. He also said Shinde proposed to conduct a half-yearly review meeting of the GTA to analyse where it has failed.
But Gurung acknowledged that the home minister promised to convene a tripartite meeting on the statehood issue on condition that the GJM withdraws the strike in the Darjeeling hills.
Accusing the GJM leadership of playing with the people’s aspiration, the forum secretary said, “Strikes and agitations are going on in the hills since the past one month. Is it for Gorkhaland? They look like they are for the GTA,” he said, adding, “If I am wrong, let the CPRM and GJAC clarify to the people.”
He added, “The losses suffered by the people during the agitation must be compensated by the GJM and those leading the movement. We will file a case against them and demand for adequate compensation.”
Meanwhile, on being asked for his response to Gurung’s allegations, GJM spokesperson Harkabahadur Chettri brushed them aside by saying, “We have nothing to say on the comments made by someone on an individual basis.”

People’s Forum secretary Prabin Gurung today claimed no talks on the Gorkhaland issue transpired on Tuesday’s meeting between the GJAC delegation and Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde. He said the talks mainly focused on matters related to the GTA.

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