GTA to provide funds for TB patients’ diet at SB Dey Sanatorium

TB patients diet at SB Dey Sanatorium
Kurseong 12 November
Now, the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration, (GTA), will contribute some additional funds to the SB Dey Sanatorium for proper and better diet for its tuberculosis patients.
Notably, recently, demanding proper and rich diet, the patients of the hospital had protested in different ways, even to the extent of ransacking the office of the hospital superintendent and even walking 2 kms away to Kurseong town to serve a deputation to the Kurseong SDO.
This resulted in a meeting to review the matter and sort it out between the hospital authorities, food supply contractor and the patients, in which, it was revealed that the rate of contract to supply high quality food was minimal at Rs. 49.07 per patient. The contractor concerned had lamented that in today’s market rates, supplying the said items both in quantity and quality to the patients was impossible.
It was then decided that another meeting would be convened to sort the problem, bringing in other authorities concerned. Following this an important meeting was held in which the GTA came forward as saviours and assured that 30 per cent more funds would be added on the present available rate from its end for supply of proper and better food to the patients.
Mr Rohit Sharma, MLA, from Kurseong constituency who also attended today’s meeting said that in the meeting the GTA Health Secretary, Mr Don Bosco Lepcha, District Tuberculosis Officer, Sanatorium SDMO, Mrs Mausami Saha, and other officials were present. He further added that the problem of supply of proper food to the patients was running long, since the past two years but in today’s meeting it has been decided that the GTA would add more fund to the present rate for supply of better food to the long suffering inmates of the SB Dey Sanatorium.(SNS)

orkhaland Territorial Administration, (GTA), will contribute some additional funds to the SB Dey Sanatorium for proper and better diet for its tuberculosis patients.

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