Penelope M Fernandez - Darjeeling's 1st Science Fiction writer

Hypnagogic Shifters Superposition by Penelope M Fernandez - Darjeeling's 1st Science Fiction writer
 On July 20, 2014 we had sent the following "Shout Out" to Darjeeling's 1st Science Fiction writer - Ms. Penelope Fernandez.

"TheDC team sends a warm “Shout Out” to Darjeeling’s daughter Ms. Penelope M. Fernandez and congratulates her on being the first Darjeeling born science-fiction novelist.

Ms. Penelope has recently completed the first part of her two part debut novel - “Hypnagogic Shifters: Superposition,” which is being applauded as a fresh and stand out work in Science-Philosophy genre of writings."

Penelope has completed her schooling from Mt. Hermon and English (H) degree from Loreto College (Southfield)

Since then her book has been earning rave reviews... and has been selected for the Buzz Book Prize Writer Science Fiction award.. After passing the jury board, the competition now is open for voting to the public... Voting runs during the entire month of February and prize winners will be announced on March 5.

Can we all please vote for our local girl and help her win her 1st award for her 1st novel?

Please click the link below for voting, it’s a very simple process, and don’t forget to share the link

Once you have voted, don't forget to share the link

Her writing has been winning rave reviews, and we are sharing some sample here:

“Fernandez will take you on a fantastic and bizarre journey past shades of Kafka and Philip K. Dick. This is no space opera. It is a twisted blend of outer space and inner space tearing the main character, Blaz, to shreds and dissecting his and our ethical foundations and perceptions of reality. The extreme vocabulary may at first seem amateurish, but it will soon blend in to the setting and the mood of this story so well that when Fernandez emerges in to what may be the real world at times, those words show you how deeply you have fallen into the spell.” – Dr. A. R. Davis

“This book takes to the edge of human imagination. I was reminded of a George Macdonald book, like Lilith, or perhaps more like David Lindsay's terrifying Voyage to Arcturus, with almost unstable, unbearable, descriptive flights of fancy, both beautiful and terrible. Suitably flamboyant words, sentences and paragraphs take you to vivid brightly coloured other worlds; you can't be sure whether they are the product of the mind of a disturbed man, who just can't find his niche in life, or a way into other realities.”- Angela Mortimer

“This is a work of literary fiction. Imagery, metaphors and symbolism turn abstract ideas in to concrete forms. Penelope’s rich language and interesting vocabulary will entice you. She expresses creativity, intellect and somesthetic ideas through intricate detail and a suspenseful plot. Stick with it. This is not a light read but challenging, demanding and thought provoking.” - James Minter

If you wanna congratulate her then you can drop in her page on facebook:

The Darjeeling Chronicle

Penelope M Fernandez - Darjeeling's 1st Science Fiction writer - completed the first part of her two part debut novel - “Hypnagogic Shifters: Superposition

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