Tsewang Yishey Pemba, who has died aged 79, was the first Tibetan to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons; he also founded the first hospital in Bhutan and served as consultant physician to the Royal Family in that Himalayan kingdom.
He was born on June 5 1932 in Gyantse, the son of a clerk at the British Trade Agency . Shortly after his birth the family moved to the Chumbi Valley, bordering Sikkim and Bhutan, where Pemba led a carefree childhood. A rock in which a demon was believed to dwell towered above his home; nearby, at Donkar Monastery, he watched elaborate Buddhist festivals and dances; minstrels and wandering friars would occasionally pass by, and he heard tales of the region’s sacred “Migou” – the Abominable Snowman.
His father was posted to Lhasa and, after a year, Pemba travelled with his mother and infant sister on horseback to join him, crossing the 16,600ft Kharu-La pass and fording the Tsangpo river in coracles. In Lhasa they resided at the British legation in the Dekyi-Linka – “The Park of Happiness”.
On October 6 1939 he witnessed the arrival of the new Dalai Lama, then a child, into Lhasa. Sometimes, from his schoolyard, Pemba would watch the Buddhist leader carried in his palanquin during spectacular parades. On one occasion, he was blessed by the Dalai Lama in his summer palace, the Norbhu-Linka – “The Jewel Park”.
At the age of nine Pemba was sent to India and enrolled at Victoria School, near Darjeeling, where he thrived . In 1949 he travelled to London to study Medicine at University College Hospital. By the time of his graduation in 1955, however, China had occupied Tibet, and this — coupled with the death of his parents in calamitous floods in Gyantse in 1954 — convinced him not to return. Instead, he was recruited by the future Prime Minister of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji, to establish that country’s first hospital.
“It was a large, attractive, empty building,” Pemba later noted, but the advantages ended there: “My entire staff consisted of two totally untrained adolescent schoolboys. The country was medieval, unchanged for centuries. There was no electricity, tap water, modern roads or communications. Everywhere we walked or rode on horses and mules.”
He moved to Darjeeling early in 1959, working at the Darjeeling Medical Association Hospital under the aegis of the Indian Tea Association. In March that year, after a revolt in Lhasa against Chinese occupation , the Dalai Lama fled into exile in India, followed by thousands of refugees. Many ended up in Darjeeling .
Pemba volunteered to work at the Tibetan Refugee School and soon became a well-known figure amongst many high-ranking Tibetan lamas; those he treated included Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, the 16th Karmapa; Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche; and Dudjom Rinpoche, an incarnation of a 1,000-year-old line of spiritual masters.
In 1965 Pemba returned to London to train as a surgeon, and was awarded the Hallett Prize in 1966 for coming first in the primary examinations of the Royal College of Surgeons; he became a Fellow in 1967. After returning to Darjeeling, he again worked in Bhutan in the mid-1980s, as Superintendent of the National Referral Hospital, Thimphu, remaining there until 1992. During this time he also served as consulting physician to the Bhutanese royal family . After retiring in 1992 he continued in private practice, travelling to America, Europe and Japan.
In 2007 Pemba finally returned to Tibet, describing his trip as “a dreamlike ethereal visit, capturing old memories, renewing ties and seeing a totally changed country”.
Pemba wrote a memoir, Young Days in Tibet (1957), and Idols on the Path (1966) an autobiographical novel regarded as the first work in fiction in English by a Tibetan.
Tsewang Yishey Pemba is survived by his wife, Tsering Sangmo, and four children. A fifth child predeceased him in 2009.
Dr Tsewang Yishey Pemba, born June 5 1932, died November 26 2011
Source: telegraph.co.uk
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