Month long Darjeeling bandh withdrawn

Month long Darjeeling bandh withdrawn
SILIGURI: After month long agitation and stalemate, finally the Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee, conglomerate of pro Gorkhaland parties in Darjeeling today decided to put the agitation on demand for separate statehood on hold till October 20th 2013.

"This is in deference to the appeal by the Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde as a prerequisite for tripartite talks on the statehood issue. The condition set is that the talks should be held by October 20," said GJM president Mr. Bimal Gurung.

"The central Home Minister said during our talk with him, no new states can be created ""immediately"". We accept that solution to Gorkhaland demand cannot be framed immediately. It needs stepwise dialogue and we want to initiate the series," he said.

But coming heavily on state Government, he said, "We strongly oppose the hostile and confrontationist attitude of the State Government. But we would henceforth expect its cooperation to take the tripartite talks forward."

However, though the bandh is being practically withdrawn, different movement activities including sit in Dharna in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong from 13th September will be organized. The students and Heads of educational institutions will also write to the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the President of India asking for Gorkhaland.

Despite month long bandh, GJM could not ensure any positive response from center. State also played tight against the bandh. At the same time, West Bengal Chief Minister Miss Mamata Banerjee took initiative to divide the force behind Gorkhaland demand from hills by separating an important hill community Lepchas by creating a separate Lepcha develepment body.

Against this, GJM had to accept arrest of over 1200 of its leaders and, though unexpressed, mass resentment developed among common mass due to the trouble they had to face following onset of bandh on 3 rdAugust. "At this juncture, GJM had no option other than withdrawing it," said political observers.(ET)

After month long agitation and stalemate, finally the Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee, conglomerate of pro Gorkhaland parties in Darjeeling today decided to put the agitation on demand for separate statehood on hold till October 20th 2013.

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