The Gorkha community of Dimapur celebrated the 197th birth anniversary of the great Gorkha poet Bhanu Bhakta Acharya.

Nagaland Gorkha Association vice president Sashank Ghatraj lights a lamp on a portrait of Bhanu Bhakta Acharya during the celebration on Wednesday, July 13.
DIMAPUR, JULY 13 (MExN): The Gorkha community of Dimapur celebrated the 197th birth anniversary of the great Gorkha poet Bhanu Bhakta Acharya. Gorkha Students Union Dimapur and Gorkha Youth Club jointly organised a programme on Wednesday, July 13 at the Town Hall celebrating the contribution of the legendary literary figure to the promotion of Nepali (language). 
The programme had in attendance Sashank Ghatraj, vice president of the Nagaland Gorkha Association as the chief guest while prominent social worker from the community Manmaya Senapati was the guest of honour. Several leading organizations of the community in Dimapur, namely – Dimapur Gorkha Union, Gorkha Elders Forum Dimapur, Dimapur Gorkha Mothers Association and Gorkha Hindu Milan Sewa Sangh were also in attendance.
Bhanu Bhakta Acharya, considered the first poet writing in Nepali language, was born in 1814 in the district of Tanahu. He is credited with translating the epic ‘Ramayana’ from Sanskrit to Nepali. His writings contributed to the adoption of the now widely spoken Nepali as a common medium of communication among the several Gorkha tribal groups.

Gorkha Community of Dimapur:Nagaland Gorkha Association vice president Sashank Ghatraj lights a lamp on a portrait of Bhanu Bhakta Acharya during the celebration on Wednesday, July 13.

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