Krishi Vigyan Kendra, South Sikkim participated in two field days programme of SRI

RANGPO-10TH NOV/SANJAY AGARWAL-. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, South Sikkim participated in two field days programme of SRI, Rice variety KRH-2 at Mellidara and Chisopani. The field day at Mellidara was attended by SMS (Soil) Shri. Yograj Pradhan. The Programme was attended by Departmental heads from Gangtok, Namchi and ATMA, South .The participation of farmer’s club members of Mellidara and adjoining villages in large numbers. The chief guest of the programme was Shri. Ganesh Rai, Panchayat President and other Panchayat members were also present. The crop cutting showed that the productivity of SRI rice was 30 qtls/ ha proving that farmers could get good returns with this high yield if they adopt this technology.            FM, Shri.Bishon Pradhan attended a field day programme at Chisopani. The programme included crop cutting and was attended by 30 farmers and field line staff of line departments were also present. The crop cutting yield showed productivity of 26 qtl.            SMS, Shri. I.P. Shivakoti Conducted a meeting cum training programme at KVK Campus training hall. Chief/Associate Coordinator of 18 farmers club of different wards of South Sikkim attended the training programme. He introduced before them the e-banking system adopted by NABARD and advised them to have cheque facility in their account. He reminded the farmer’s club heads to complete their annual routine work as recommended by NABARD and KVK South Sikkim i.e. meet with expert and awareness programme and submit their reports.
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