Big honour to have Bayern for my farewell: Bhaichung Bhutia

NEW DELHI: He is still as busy as a bee and the funny bone is very much there. When Baichung Bhutia was told that he looked as fit as ever in the India jersey produced by Nike that had a logo specially made for his testimonial game against Bayern Munich, he quipped, "I hope you can't see my paunch, do you?" Training in the morning, photo shoot with his sponsors in the afternoon and entertaining journalists in hordes, the former India captain, is not one who gets tired easily. He shared thoughts about his long association with football before his farewell match on Tuesday. Excerpts:

Will it be an emotional moment when you lead the team out on Tuesday?

I don't think I will be emotional. Mentally, I am already retired. I have gone through that phase of eyes welling up as the national anthem plays. I hope that a situation will not arise that I have to come back and play for the country again. But if it does, I will not shy away.

From learning football at Tashi Namgyal Academy to the Bayern Munich farewell game, how does it feel?

When I started playing, I didn't see it happening. In life, lots of things happen you do not plan for. I wanted to play in a competitive tournament and retire and Asian Cup (2011) was my target. But it didn't go according to plan. I got injured. Then this opportunity arose. It's a great honour with Bayern coming for my last game. I am so fortunate that a great team with great stars will be there for me. Not many international stars are fortunate enough to have Bayern playing in their farewell game.

Was the train ride to Kolkata from Sikkim the most important journey?

(Laughs) There are quite a few important journeys in my life and it was surely one of them. There are some important moments that came up and I have capitalized on those moments. Yes, it is one of those moments, like I dropped my school leaving exams and went for the U-16 national camp and when East Bengal offered, I left home and came over... Those are the kind of decisions one has to take.

How difficult were those decisions?

Not very, because I wanted to play football. Obviously it was difficult for my parents to let me go. I had to give up studies but East Bengal got me an admission. And that's how I progressed. Later when I thought about it, I realized that it was difficult. As a professional footballer nothing is guaranteed. If that year hadn't clicked, I would have been nowhere. East Bengal offered me a one-year contract and if I had failed then I had no choice but go back to Sikkim. It was a massive risk that I had to take.

Luck also played its role, hasn't it?

Obviously. I worked hard on it and I was lucky too. I have seen a lot of players who took such decisions but things didn't work out for them and they had to go back to their home states.

Then the plunge you took and joined Bury FC...

I wanted to go there (England). By then (1997) I had played and won everything possible in India. So I wanted to go abroad and try. That it didn't work out is a different story. There are issues that worked against me. I joined in the middle of the season as my work permit got delayed. Then the manager who selected me got sacked after a month and a half. I wish things were a bit different. But it actually opened up my eyes, off the field as well. I got to know what football is all about, commercially and professionally.

How difficult was it to adjust after returning from Bury?

It was very, very difficult. The last seven months in Bury, I didn't play any football because of my injury. Then I came back and signed for Mohun Bagan but again the same injury recurred. It was a tough one year for me. The expectations from Bagan fans and officials were high. Since I was so successful with East Bengal and after my stint with Bury, I was expected to give my best.

How do you recollect your time with the national team?

I must say I have been very lucky to have great colleagues since I started playing for India. With Bruno Coutinho and IM Vijayan there, my initiation was rather smooth. They helped me adjust to the demands and pressures of international football. Later on when I became senior and captain, the juniors who came through the ranks were highly supportive. I'm also honoured that I have captained the national side for 11 years.

Your most memorable moments with the team?

It's qualifying for the Asian Cup after winning the AFC Challenge Cup in New Delhi.

And for the club?

Winning the Asean Cup for East Bengal (2003). The reception we got when we reached Kolkata was stupendous. I have only seen something like that when India won the World Cup last year. But we saw it all in 2003. It is very difficult to describe such adulation. We had a great team. At the defence there was Mahesh (Gawli) and Deepak (Mondal).

Your unhappy moments...

I wanted India to be a major team in the Asia. But it's difficult. I am still happy with what I have achieved as a player. I have always set realistic goals and worked hard towards it.

The decision to retire is a difficult one. Was it the same with you?

It wasn't difficult for me. After qualifying for the Asian Cup, I had talked to my wife and decided it will be my last tournament. I had planned things out in advance. I was involved in a lot of things like shaping the players' association (IPFA) and my football school. It is important for players, when they are nearing the end, to plan a few things. I knew what I was going to do. But when one doesn't have any plans, depression is a sure thing to happen. After so much fame, it is not easy to accept. There are a lots of suicide cases, even in India, because of players failing to adjust to life after football.

Marriage, becoming a dad... how has it changed the striker who fought for goals like mad?

Excitement and hunger will be there always, but my body doesn't permit me that kind of adrenalin rush. Right now, I have more responsibility. I have three small kids. They want me home. Even after retiring, I have not been able to give enough time to my family and kids because I have to travel a lot. But hopefully by next year, I hope to see my club ( United Sikkim) on a stable ground. Then I won't give my kids and Madhuri (wife) any reason to complain!

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