Madan Tamang murder case: CBI dragging murder case

KURSEONG 22 FEB: The All India Gorkha League (AIGL) general secretary, Mr Laxman Pradhan, alleged that the Madan Tamang murder probe was being swept under the investigation carpet. “We are wondering about the real intention behind the dragging CBI investigation. The main crime accused Nicole Tamang remaining elusive for such a long time is deepening mystery,” he said.
He further said most of the accused were roaming free with the law enforcers doing nothing. “The name of Nicole comes up off and on in respect to the day light assassination of the AIGL president, Madan Tamang. But we must remember he is not the solitary accused in reference to the heinous crime. The CID included several names in the charge sheet. Later the CBI added to the list. Besides, the FIR we lodged after the murder contains several names. But the system of justice seems impotent to bring the perpetrators of the crime to book. This reflects poorly on both the premier investigating agency of the country as well as the justice system. We wonder whether we have to spend our life demanding justice,” the AIGL leader said.
Equating the former Left Front government and the present Trinamul-led government, Mr Pradhan said there was hardly any difference between them in regard to the crime. “Following in the footsteps of its predecessor, the Mamata Banerjee government has been playing a hypocritical game. When pressed the chief minister says in public justice would be meted out while her government has been providing security to those whose names figure in the FIR or the charge sheets. Where should we go?” he asked.
The AIGL leader said political equations were coming in the way of the progress of the probe. “We have heard that the government is withholding certain vital information from the CBI ostensibly to shield those involved. We would not be surprised if we find out in due course that the evidence is also being tampered with to soften the case,” he said.
Echoing the AIGL leader’s view, the senior Marxist leader and former state minister, Mr Asok Bhatacharya said the CBI should expedite the probe.
“Almost two years have passed since Madan Tamang was brutally hacked to death. But the CBI has not yet achieved any breakthrough. Even the principal accused, Nicole Tamang has remained untraced despite several claims by the investigators as to his whereabouts. Everything remains murky with the agencies playing dilatory roles,” the CPI-M leader said. 

statesman news service
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