Mukesh Sharma: The Morcha Rambi Bazar Branch has welcomed the decision of including the Rambi Bazar along with Tangey Forest Busty Ryang Branch under the Labdah Mungpoo Constituency according to the new Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) demarcation. Under the Presidentship of the Branch President, Manbharan Singh, a meeting was successfully held at the Rambi Branch Office. Despite of the areas between Sevoke 10th Mile Forest Busty till Rangpo of not being granted a separate Constituency due to both Geographical and legal reasons, the Branch expressed their gratitude to the Morcha Chief, Bimal Gurung for including the Rambi Ryang and Tangey Forest Busty under Mungpoo 22 No Constituency. They mentioned that the Rambi Bazaar Branch shall abide by the decision made by the Morcha Central Committee. Addressing the meet the Yuva Morcha Rambi Branch President, Jiten Chettri expressed his hope about the development of Rambi Bazaar area by the Morcha President and Labda Mungpoo Constituency after the GTA elections.The Rambi Branch Secretary, Dhruba Rai, Vice President, Rajen Mukhia, Joint Secretary, Arun Bhandari, Yuva Morcha Rambi Branch Secretary, Sagar Hingmang, Naari Morcha President, Manjita Pradhan, Tangey Branch President, Lokman Rai, Vice President Ramesh Bhujel, Yarg Branch President, Man Bahadur Chettri and working members Norbu Lama and Arjun Tamang were present during the meet.
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