Kalimpong|Mukesh Sharma: Once again drinking water scarcity has struck Kalimpong town. The distribution system not met by the PHE department has troubled the locals at the most. At present the price of water has gone high that the people having the money has not been able to purchase it.
As per the information of the engineer Anil Chettri the locals are expected to get drinking water only by June 6. He also said that after the meeting with the municipality earlier, they had decided to dispense water in two days of intervals, but due to continue rainfall has triggered landslide that has damaged the water pipes of the Newra and the Dhaula water source. “We have been giving water to the hospital and to the locals the other day” he said and added that the hospital needs about 1 lacs gallon where the public requires 8 lacs gallon of water. He also informed about the good news that the water has started coming at the Delo reserve but will take little time to fill it up. On Tuesday the water will be distributed to hospital and on Wednesday for the general public he added. The people of Kalimpong are thirsty but the problem seems to remain unending.
As per the information of the engineer Anil Chettri the locals are expected to get drinking water only by June 6. He also said that after the meeting with the municipality earlier, they had decided to dispense water in two days of intervals, but due to continue rainfall has triggered landslide that has damaged the water pipes of the Newra and the Dhaula water source. “We have been giving water to the hospital and to the locals the other day” he said and added that the hospital needs about 1 lacs gallon where the public requires 8 lacs gallon of water. He also informed about the good news that the water has started coming at the Delo reserve but will take little time to fill it up. On Tuesday the water will be distributed to hospital and on Wednesday for the general public he added. The people of Kalimpong are thirsty but the problem seems to remain unending.
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