Mountain of mud headache for 125-yr old Kalimpong Girls High School

mountain of muds behind kalimpong girls high school
While the authority of Girls High School (GHS) Kalimpong vconcentrates on its 125th bicentenary year, the vacant land located behind the school known as Mission Ground gets encroached and a mountain of muds are dumped. Students and teachers of the school assembled in the site this morning in a form of protest.

The land officially belongs to Girls High School and the authority seeks cooperation from the public and appeals everyone not to dump anything there. Around 20-30 teachers present there unanimously said that they have plans of projects in the land which they will proceed in the future.

In the other hand the frequent dumping of mud has increased the land level and drastically decreased the height of the wall which leads to back side of the girl’s hostel, the students however complain that they feel unsafe and insecure with trespassers invading the girl’s dorm.

Speaking to this correspondent one Prerna Niraula a boarding student said that a man of mid twenties entered their room few months ago, ‘We are girls and a random man intruding amidst the security at 3 am in our room will definitely cause anxiety’ said Niraula ordering that the ones who dumped the hilly mud in their site will have to level the land or remove it soon.

Meanwhile, one of the teachers standing in mission ground said, ‘a school is a social organization and not a public property, we protest this act because everyone has to respect the organization which is meant for the female’s education.’

The GHS family also said that they saw the dumped muds this morning and don’t know who unloaded it and when, factually because the plot of land lies opposite and many yards away from the main school building. The principal avoiding controversies and refusing to speak later said that this act of infringement is not the first time.

She further added that the excavated mud from any construction done in Kalimpong was deposited there, speaking about the past she said, ‘I was alone to fight for this land in the past but today I see the teachers and students standing here to protest without my direction which made me realize that this is now ‘our’ fight.’

The students of class 9-10 who were there said that the land solely belongs to them and appeals the civilian bodies to respect the property of the school.

Report by Mukesh Sharma

the authority of Girls High School (GHS) Kalimpong vconcentrates on its 125th bicentenary year, the vacant land located behind the school known as Mission Ground gets encroached and a mountain of muds are dumped.

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