JAP Kurseong Sub-division Convener Bhawani Pradhan quits party

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"My Conscience Doesn't Permit Me to Compromise on ‪#‎Gorkhaland‬ Demand" - JAP leader Bhawani Pradhan after resignation

An ardent supporter of Dr. Mahendra P Lama and long time associate with DDUDF and Kurseong Sub-division Convener of Jan Andolan Party Mr. Bhawani Pradhan has resigned from the party citing differences of principals.

Mr. Bhawani Pradhan who was one of the earliest supporters of Dr. Mahendra P Lama during his bid for 2014 MP elections, said "I am an ordinary individual, who wanted an educated and community loving leader to lead our Darjeeling... I was long time Secretary of DDUDF and I have worked in nooks and corners of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars... when Dr. Lama contested in 2014, I was so hopeful of him, that I even sold my land, which I bought to build my house on... to raise funds for his campaign... however today, I have come to realize that there is a fundamental difference between my principals and that of JAP.... hence I am resigning."

When asked to explain on the differences, Mr. Pradhan said, "My one and only interest is Gorkhaland statehood... yes we want development, but a separate state for the Gorkhas is a necessity... Development is our right, and for that we don't have to rely on anyone's benevolence... I strongly feel that we should not stake the safety and security of our community which can be derived from a separate state, and seek to exchange it for development..."

He added, "Those friends who are today clamouring for development say that we cannot have a revolution on hungry stomach... I just want them to know that revolutions all over the world have in fact been led by those who are hungry and deprived...."

Making his stand on Gorkhaland issue clear, Mr. Pradhan said, "Bengal-centric development will never help the Gorkhas, and may be Bengal led development may make us prosperous, however, I am certain, it will never make us happy... Development is our right and it is not a charity which can only be arrived at if we work as Bengal dictates...."

One can almost feel the personal agony that Mr. Pradhan must have gone through, as he added... "You [Bengal] won't give us development? then don't... even I won't give my self-respect... I won't give up my self-respect... rather I would give in my resignation...."

Mr. Pradhan said he is not doing this to attain some selfish goals, he clarified "I won't join any other party."

Courtesy: The Darjeeling Chronicles

An ardent supporter of Dr. Mahendra P Lama and long time associate with DDUDF and Kurseong Sub-division Convener of Jan Andolan Party Mr. Bhawani Pradhan has resigned from the party citing differences of principals.

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