Darjeeling Administration asks bonds of Rs 50 lakh to 3 morcha leader

Darjeeling district magistrate office
Darjeeling: The Darjeeling administration has asked three Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders and supporters to explain why they should not execute surety bonds of Rs 50 lakh each for "good behaviour" as ordered by the deputy magistrate.
Subrata Chakraborty, the deputy magistrate of Darjeeling, had issued notices under Section 107 of the CrPC to Jyoti Kumar Rai, the assistant general secretary of the Morcha, Nim Dorjee Tamang, a party leader from Ghoom, and Dhana Tamang, a supporter from Darjeeling.
Chakraborty's order stated that there was information that the three were a threat to "property and life of the public" and there were newspaper reports about them being actively involved in organising and funding "public unrest, arson, attack on policeman and public in general since June, 2017" across the hills.
The Morcha trio have been directed to be present at the sub-divisional magistrate's office on October 30. They are perceived to be close to Morcha president Bimal Gurung.

"Now, therefore being satisfied that it is necessary for public peace, in exercise of power conferred upon .......to showcause why they should not execute bond for good behaviour of Rs 10 lakhs each with Registered Sureties of like amount each from Darjeeling District Court and also two reputable persons and two relatives as sureties of like amount each," the order reads.
A lawyer said: "They can either file a petition challenging the notice or agree to execute the bonds. The period of such bonds is normally six months and not exceeding one year."

 Source: The Telegraph

The Darjeeling administration has asked three Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders and supporters to explain why they should not execute surety bonds of Rs 50 lakh each for "good behaviour" as ordered by the deputy magistrate.

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