No repair, construction in protected monuments without NOC: ASI

Archaeological Survey of India
Darjeeling: The Archaeological Survey of India has requested the district administration, Darjeeling to ensure that no construction or repair work takes place in the defined areas of the centrally protected monuments/sites.
Any such work can be undertaken only with prior permission from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in the form of a No Objection Certificate.
There are two centrally protected monuments/sites namely the Tomb of Alexander Csomo de Koros and Tomb of General Llyod in Darjeeling. Both the tombs are located at the Christian Cemetery on Lebong Cart Road, Darjeeling.
The Regional Director of the ASI, Eastern Region in a letter to the District Magistrate, Darjeeling stated: "I request you to issue suitable instruction to all the concerned departments under your jurisdiction like Municipalities, Panchayat etc not to permit any construction/re-construction/repair/renovation work in such defined areas of the centrally
protected monuments/sites."
In case such work has to be undertaken, the applicants have to send applications to the National Monument Authority through the Regional Director, ASI, Eastern Region, Kolkata after submitting details of plan, elevation etc of the proposed structure or mining work for issuance of No Objection Certificate.
Commenting on this Joyoshi Das Gupta, District Magistrate, Darjeeling stated: "As these are national monuments, we will request an ASI team to visit and inspect the monuments and suggest protective measures."
Born on the 4th April 1784 at Koros, Hungary, the renowned Tibetologist Alexander Csoma De Koros left his country to trace the roots of the Hungarians and braving tremendous hardship reached Ladakh.
There, with great determination, he mastered Tibetan language in 9 years and studied original Buddhist literature thoroughly.
He came to Calcutta in 1831 with many Tibetan manuscripts and prepared a catalogue of them in the Asiatic Society. From 1837 to 1842, he served as the librarian of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta and made everlasting academic contributions.
As an Indologist and Tibetologist this great scholar will never be forgotten for his pioneering works. He breathed his last in Darjeeling in 1842 on his way to Tibet.

The Archaeological Survey of India has requested the district administration, Darjeeling to ensure that no construction or repair work takes place in the defined areas of the centrally protected monuments/sites.

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