Hillman the
Analyst once again is compelled to post his readings of the crystal ball
indicating that the future of Darjeeling District, and its long standing demand
(the right to self determination) within India as guaranteed by the
constitution under the provisions of The Absorbed Area (Laws) Act 1954, read
with Article 244(1) – Part A&B -4(1,2&3) implemented in 2012 in the
State of West Bengal thereby under Part B 4 subparagraph 3 Tribes Advisory
Council (presently consisting of 13 members)
with the Chief Minister of West Bengal as the Chairperson.
To members of the public unfamiliar with constitutional understandings
it is relayed hereby that Article 244(1) is the preserve of the Fifth Schedule
which guarantees legal rights to the
citizens of the area (Darjeeling District) as enunciated in the aforesaid Act
of 1954 ensuring right to internal self determination within the map of India.
One is reminded to note that this right is contained in an Ordinance/Bill since
2013 “The Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies” pending before both Houses of
Parliament banefully sidelined on account of its perturbed consequences to
all honourable members of Parliament of whatever political colour and
hue (including MP from Darjeeling constituency), is truly a sad state of
affairs considering the Bill happens to deliver the long standing demand in sequence
to Census 2011 accounting the Tamang and Limbu as Scheduled Tribes under Art
342, peculiarly applicable to the States of Sikkim and West Bengal (Darjeeling
District). This happens to be the genesis whereby it was the Supreme Court of
India directing the Ministry of Law & Justice to deliver the legal rights. This
accounts for the Ordinance status of the Bill tabled by the then Minister of
Law & Justice Mr. Ashwini Kumar to
which objections were made by none other than Mr. Arun Jaitley, leader of the
opposition, for referring it to a Parliamentary Standing Committee. That besides
alleging the ruling party (UPA) had an eye to the coming general elections.
Surely the learned leader of the opposition was unaware of the ordinance status
of the Bill? That is for history to tell and not repeat again. Not to mention
history repeats itself on justifiable basis of natural social basis, but also
tampering in times occasionally to synchronize to suit political aims. However
it might be said in reference to the Bill it might be delayed to a limited time
the countdown of which has already begun since 2013 (already five years).
Surely the limit is lapsing, as statutory convention demands, the Ordinance/
Bill be implemented before the coming general elections 2019. This is seen to
be provided invoking provisions of Articles 82, 170,330 & 332 by
implementing Part 5, 6 &7 of the Fifth Schedule in force since 2012.
On basis of the above
contentious issue delving into the constitution of India it is seen in the
crystal ball that not only the pending bill is passed but also Part D (2) is
deemed to be amended of the constitution for the purpose of Art.368. This sight
seems to be the current newspeaks of political parties in Darjeeling District
1.GTA administrator demanding a Scheduled Area of the Fifth Schedule;
2. GJM (Bimal
Gurung) demanding invoking Art.3(a) read as Art. 371F and
3. GNLF demanding
Sixth Schedule status but the same time open to accepting any decision by the
Taking all the above considerations into a pointed focus
it is perceivable that all three demands by the political parties is seen as
rightful and legally acceptable in content. All of which indicates bifurcation
of administration of three Districts of West Bengal. According to the crystal
ball the vision is:
Darjeeling District (all the four erstwhile
subdivisions) merged with Sikkim as an Absorbed Area (of erstwhile kingdom of Sikkim).
Alipur Duar District (10 Dooars erstwhile
Kingdom of Bhutan) as a separate administrative unit under West Bengal under the
Sixth Schedule and
Cooch Bihar, as a separate administrative unit
as (2) on account of it being the erstwhile Princely State of Cooch Bihar.
Last but not the least infact most impactingly an NGO, ‘Public
Interest Committee for Scheduling Specific Areas’ (PICSSA) based in Kalimpong
has already filed a PIL in the Supreme Court of India on 23/04/2017, based on
the fact of the matter related to the implementation of the aforesaid
Ordinance/ Bill seen to provide Part B (5) of the Fifth Schedule i.e. as a
Scheduled Area (based on the Act of 1935 ‘Excluded & Partially Excluded
Areas’ , section 91&92 and Order 1936) repealed and subject transferred to
the Absorbed Area (1954) in the State of West Bengal under Art. 1 & 4
(First Schedule) under the Name (14) West Bengal.
The waylaid citizens of Darjeeling District should take
out their hats to the yeoman’s service PICSSA has rendered in carrying forward
the great task of adjudication the pending issue concerning the constitutional
rights of Darjeeling District and thereby ameliorating their grievance of
assimilating but not integrating the transferred Absorbed Area peoples in the
national mainstream. This delay has already caused immense impact
on the district in every aspect, in terms of culture, socio, economic and
political. Thereby impacting the environment in every sphere of development and
progress accounting for the ecological disaster confronting the District,
primarily on account of excess population on land and land based resources. It
is hoped this disaster is contained for the good and welfare of all the
inhabitants, particularly the have-nots (jobless youths and poor) who have no
dream in sight let alone a vision.
Hillman –The Analyst (nom de plume)
*Karma T.Pempahishey.
P.S :
Briefly delebrating on the book- “Roadmap on the Trail to Gorkhaland (Partially Excluded Area –The Constitutional Guarantee)” – Author Karma T. Pempahishey.
(*)The author of the book Roadmap on the Trail to Gorkhaland (Partially Excluded Area –The Constitutional Guarantee) Pub. 2013. The contents deal with the constitutional aspects of Darjeeling District as a Partially Excluded Area (GoI Act 1935 & Order 1936) which political identity transferred into the Constitution of India as an Absorbed Area (1954) with safeguard of political identity under provisions of the Fifth Schedule. In the book Table: New States Formation (pgs 201-204) are indexed on chronological order the names of Provinces & States formed since 1947 based on the identity of the peoples within the territorial boundaries of the indigenous peoples inhabiting the Excluded & Partially Excluded Areas. In the Constitution the said inhabitants’ identity are safeguarded on being scheduled to the Constitution and referred as Scheduled Tribes (Art.342). Thus pointing, the office of the President only is the authority to safeguard the nature of their identity, cultural, social, economical and political. As such the authority of the President alone is responsible new states formations (& Union Territories), or if you will, grant the right to internal self-determination under provisions of the Fifth & Sixth Schedules. Under these auspices almost all the specific areas under the above provisions have been declared States & Union Territories. The last remaining is Darjeeling District (Partially Excluded Area/Absorbed Area/Fifth Schedule) is question marked in the referred table above pg 204.
Coincidentally 400 copies of the above book (already
voucher paid) is supposedly declared incinerated (burnt) by the publishers (without
prior information to the author) allegedly claiming, (a) that the book material
was decaying on account of mildew and (b) that the contents of the book
supposedly contained secret informations. It is most unfortunate to note disseminating
legal and constitutional writs are secrets. In other words, either the
publishers were unfamiliar with the Constitution, or, tragically more
concerned, the contents were being held back to serve certain vested interests
best known to the vested, accounted many over the country. Many new
publications are available supposedly detailing the political history of
Darjeeling District under various themes and nomenclature. But regret the same
are uninformed about the constitutional history (since the British times with
the current merging into the Constitution of India) a subject uncommon but asserted
by experts (only) in the field of political science. The book simply asserts the
legal aspects of formation of states, and linguistic basis is an anathema, which accounts for the fact consumed by the
ordinary citizens, nay infact supposedly
learned members of society of hues and colour, when asked the question
’how states were/are formed?’ abrupt
comes the reply, ‘on basis of language’.
This author was subject to arduous arguments to prove the claim otherwise
eventually managed to convince one and all the fact of the matter.
Hence if any person/s interested to further this point to
a conclusive end, or learn if you will, may email karmapempahishey@gmail.com
Also students particularly post graduates eager to
deliberate on a dissertation on the subject may find it worth the while to be
specifically guided towards the end of the goal. The writer’s personal library
is substantial for references at all points. It is this writer’s desire that a
full literature on the theme only on state formation in India is crucial at
this point for general understanding by the citizens nay specially the learned
to acquire the knowledge and pass on the wisdom to the generations of millions
for their future sake without which every individual, seemingly, is walking
towards a blind alley. This happens to be a personal experience confronted by
the writer at almost every point. Infact this example has been proclaimed by
none other than the erudite Mr. Pranab Mukherjee (former President of India)
while citing in a news read accounting late Mrs. Indira Gandhi (former Prime
Minister of India) was unaware of the Constitution as a result of which
unknowingly (innocently/ignorantly) responsible for declaring emergency in the
country on account of which resulted in the debacle in the following general
elections. However apologizing to the nation was her magnanimity which
greatness elected her to power again.
Another example of recent times the political bigwigs in
power had been tom-toming ‘one nation one election’ to which the Election
Commissioner replied without mincing words, no way. Taking these into account
it is highly required, particularly elected MLAs and MPs, brainstormed on the
implications of the Constitution (infact as a dharma) as seemingly without
which knowledge the nation could be at stake. This for the simple reason
bearing conflict of interest i.e. Constitution of organizations versus the
Constitution of India, particularly the political parties with various items in
their agenda. It might be reminded the Constitution is the only temple
identifying an Indian citizen, and their rights and duties. It is the soul and
protector of every citizen. However at
present times, perhaps unknowingly then knowingly, impacts have been observed
in marginalizing the writ. The constitution is on the only highway to
destination India and any other my ways require to be subtly revoked
sanctimoniously. It is therefore an immediate
urgency for a literature on the design and virtues of the Constitution, thereby
laying the one and only roadmap for a stable, sustainable and progressive
India. Development alone as picturised is not the answer. Inclusive progress of
all citizens at all levels possible should be the criteria. This unfortunately
does not seem the game play judging from past experience and thus requires
effort to U-turn to its former inception when the Constitution was promulgated
for commencement in 1952 (first Parliament) began demanding the writ endeavoring
to walk the talk. Amendments are made to ensure the path becomes more stable.
That is all. Many firmly believe including politicians that the majority number
game alone is able to rule the roost. The demeanors, if any, contrary to the
constitution is up to the function of the judiciary decide. Many unwarranted bills passed by the
executive (parliament) has been scratched off by the judiciary, the definer and
protector of the Constitution, and will not allow any vested foul game-play for
sanction. Without the judiciary the Constitution is at risk and therefore
impacting the rights and duties of all citizens. It is urged as far as possible
maximum number of citizens be familiar with the Constitution so that no undue
infringement occurs at all because it will impact all- including you. KTP
Writer: Karma T Pempahishey
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