University invites online application for the recruitment post of Non Teaching 13 vacancies of Controller of Examination, Deputy Librarian, Hindi Officer,
Pharmacist, Laboratory Assistant posts.
Controller of Examination
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: Masters Degree with 55% marks
Experience: 8 to 15 years experience as Assistant professor/ Administrative/ Research
Age Limit: 62 years
Salary: Rs.144200 to 218200/-
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: Masters and Ph.D Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation Science/Archives and manuscript keeping 55% marks
Experience: 10 years experience as Librarian or Teaching as Assistant/ Associate Professor in Library Science
Salary: Rs.144200 to 218200/-
Research Assistant
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: Masters and Ph.D Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/
Documentation Science/Archives and manuscript keeping with 55% marks
Experience: 8 years experience as Assistant University Librarian/ College Librarian
Salary: Rs.78800 to 209200/-
Deputy Registrar (Deputation/ Contract)
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: Masters Degree with 55% marks
Experience: 9 years experience as Assistant Professor/ Research or 5 years Administrative experience as Assistant Registrar
Age limit: 50 years
Salary: Rs.78800 to 209200/-
Assistant Registrar (Deputation/ Contract)
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: Experience in areas like Administration, Finance, Establishment and Examination
Age limit: 37 years
Salary: Rs.56100 to 177500/-
Hindi Officer (Deputation/ Contract)
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: Masters Degree in Hindi/ English with English / Hindi as a subject or
Masters Degree in any subjects with Hindi and English Medium or Master
Degree in any subjects with English/ Hindi Medium and Hindi/ English
medium as a subject 55% marks
Experience: Terminological work in Hindi and / or translation work from English to
Hindi or Vice-versa, preferably of Technical/ Scientific Literature or
Teaching, Research, Writing of Journalism in Hindi.
Age Limit: 35 years
Salary: Rs.56100 to 177500/-
Personal Assistant
No. of post: 02 posts
Qualification: Bachelors Degree any discipline and stenography in English with speed of 100 wpm.
Age limit: 32 years
Salary: Rs.35400 to 112400/-
No. of post: 01 post
Qualification: +2 with Science and Diploma in Pharmacy and Registered as Pharmacist.
Age limit: 18 to 27 years
Salary: Rs.29200 to 92300/-
Library Attendant
No. of post: 02 posts
Qualification: 10th/ +2
Age limit: 18 to 27 years
Salary: Rs.18000 to 56900/-
Laboratory Attendant
No. of post: 02 posts
Qualification: 10th/ +2/ ITI
Age limit: 18 to 27 years
Salary: Rs.18000 to 56900/-
Other Eligibilities:
- Candidate should have knowledge in computer application for Assistant Registrar, Hindi Officer and Personal Assistant posts
- Evidence of Innovative library service, including the integration of ICT in a library are applicable for Librarian and Deputy Librarian posts
Last date for online registration 15th January 2019
Last date for receipt of Hard copies 22nd January 2019
Last date for receipt of Hard copies 22nd January 2019
Apply Online at
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