The Tea Board of India on Tuesday announced the dates for commencement
of plucking of tea leaves and production for the coming season in what
appeared to be a clear sign that there would be a leash on the
manufacture of inferior quality brew.
An order issued by the
board said plucking of leaves and their despatch to bought-leaf
factories could begin on tea estates and in small tea plantations in the
Dooars, Terai and the neighbouring areas of Bihar from February 17. The
same date was announced for the tea industry in Assam and other
northeast states.
However, February 21 is the day for the production to begin in the tea gardens of the Darjeeling hills.
Tea Board had for the first time in 2018 restricted the plucking of
leaves in order to control the manufacture of the low quality brew.
“We had received reports that some tea estates would produce tea even
when fresh leaves stopped growing in plantations. Same was the scene in
the small tea sector,” said an official of the Tea Board.
issue was also flagged by tea planters’ associations and small tea
growers, who time and again maintained that availability of tea of poor
quality in the market was affecting the industry.
This made the board again issue an order halting production at the end of 2019.
the winter dormancy, tealeaves have started sprouting . We have
obtained inputs from stakeholders and organisations engaged in tea
research and on that basis, the dates have been finalised for the next
season,” the official added.
Those associated with the industry
have welcomed the move. They pointed out that compared to 2018, tea
production in the country had increased in 2019.
“We have already
been hit by oversupply. The prices have remained almost stagnant and
there hasn’t been much of a rise in domestic consumption. If there is no
restriction on the production, there would have been much tea in the
market, which would only
affect the industry further. Also, we
believe a standard in quality can be maintained through this process,”
said Bijoygopal Chakraborty, president, Confederation of Indian Small
Tea Growers’ Associations.
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