Gorkha Boys Football Club, Delhi has been invited to participate in the Independence Shield Cup to be held in Kalimpong from August 5-15, 2011. In a Press Release issued here today the Founder Secretary and Coach of the Club Henry V. Kumar said that he received a fax from the President of Kalimpong Sports Association Urgen Lama confirming Gorkha Boys’ participation. Henry’s boys will play their first match on 7th of August.
Mr. Kumar mentioned that the letter does not mention details of the tournament or terms and conditions for outstation teams. So, Gorkha Boys FC have put on hold its tour till details are made available. Once details are in place, the proposal would be put before their Executive Committee.
In the meantime, the Gorkha Boys FC has already opened a football camp to prepeare the players for upcoming tournaments both in Delhi as well as outstation. On Sunday, there were around 40 players at the Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi based practice venue of the Gorkha Boys. Gorkha Boys organise practice sessions and friendly matches every Sunday in the Navyug School grounds in Sarojini Nagar of New Delhi.
After Sunday’s training camp, Prem Lepcha, President of Gorkha Boys FC, Delhi expressed satisfaction and wished the players and officials all the best for the coming football events.
Courtesy: isikkim
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