Residents and traders of Maneybhanjyang Villagers in Hills protest SSB 'torture'

DARJEELING: The Sasashtra Seema Bal (SSB) manning India's border with Nepal at Maneybhanjang, about 27 kilometer from Darjeeling, is allegedly harassing the locals, thus creating an atmosphere of animosity that could have serious repercussions on the security of the nation.
In fact, the unhappy trader community of Maneybhanjang has called an indefinite strike to protest SSB's pestering, which they alleged is taking its toll on their business and livelihood.
The villagers are particularly unhappy with the way the SSB is frisking their vehicles and luggage. "We are being treated as terrorists. They (SSB) are checking our vehicles and luggage with suspicion. But it must be remembered that we are local residents who are residing here since generations," said S Prasad Gupta, a local.
"The SSB behave rudely with us in a drunken state. They detain our vehicles carrying vegetables for long hours and even demand money in some cases," alleged Bicky Agarwal, a vegetable trader.
According to these traders, they prefer taking the goods at 2am in the morning so that by 6am the goods reach Siliguri. However, long checking and detention by the SSB personnel delays their trip every other day. "We have to sustain our livelihood by selling vegetables. But if we reach Siliguri late, we are forced to sell our products at half the original price," reasoned Chandan Pradhan, a farmer.
"We will not tolerate it any longer. We have called an indefinite strike will continue till our grievances area addressed. We will also submit deputations to the Darjeeling district magistrate, the SP and to the local MLA, for their intervention," added Pradhan.
SSB officials refuted the allegation, saying it was baseless. "We have not harassed any one. The goods are being brought from Nepal including cattle stocks, which is illegal. Goods can only be brought from Nepal from the Panitanki and Pashupatinagar custom check points," said SSB DIG L K Gohian.
"The allegation of taking bribe is also false. In fact, we have formed a village committee at Maneybhanjang for public relations," he added. 
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