Memorial Unifier Prithvi Narayan Shah of Greater Nepal

NEPAL 8 January 2012 Prithvi Narayan Shah, the unifier of Nepal is the pride of Nepal. Before 290 year, the greatest hero Prithvi Narayan Shah was born in Gorkha. Since 1768, ‘Nepal’ became a common shelter for all Nepalese people. This is the mother land for all Nepalese people spread around the globe. It was almost 100 years earlier than Germany and Italy were unified and the Meiji dynasty was restored (1868). Prithvi Narayan Shah had unified 54 small fiefdoms to build a large, expanded and strong Nepal. It is remarkable that American citizens never forget the history of Gorge Washington, who gave freedom to them from the British imperialism and united the United State of America after almost 30 years from the Nepalese unification (1768).

The British Empire, spreading in Asia and getting hold in India had eyed on mountainous region i.e. Nepal. It was not an easy task to fight against the British imperialistic force in the mid 18th century. As the culture, the religion and the nationality was in a danger, which compelled Prithvi Narayan Shah to unify the Greater Nepal, including the many small Hindu states and protected Buddhism and other religions too. Prithvi Narayan Shah had kept the originality of mountainous Nepal by holding the Moon-Sun depicting flag to wave, which obliged all the Nepalese in the world.

The creator of this nation, Prithvi Narayan Shah had pointed out in His golden Message-'This is not the nation gained by my trifle efforts, this is the garden of all kinds of flowers, and may all be aware of this.' So, each and every citizen of Nepal is the equal owner of this country. But, after the uprising of 2006, the so-called revolutionaries smashed the statue of the Prithvi Narayan Shah, and insulted him and called off the birth anniversary of the late king as a day of national unity. Some destructive group had vandalized the glorious statue of Prithvi Narayan Shah in Pokhara and replaced the statue of Lakhan Thapa. Is there no any place in Nepal for Lakhana Thapa? His statue can be installed to at any other suitable location because Prithvi Narayan Shah is always memorial to all Nepalese people who had fought against imperialist forces to save his sovereign-land.

The Gorkha King Prithvi Narayan Shah declared 'Kathmandu' as a capital and 'Nepal' as a Kingdom and but not Gorkha. Prithvi Narayan Shah not only brought caste- and ethnicity-based states under the umbrella of Nepal, but also laid a solid foundation for the modern state. Nepal was a “yam between two boulders” suggesting the need for a delicate balance of relationship between its two big neighbors, a fundamental rule of Nepal’s foreign policy even now. Prithvi Narayan Shah’s warning quote “both the bribe givers and takers are enemies of nation” is most repeated Nepalese slogan today.

The historical event says- after capturing the Kirtipur, an English Platoon of 2,400 under the leadership of Col. Killok was chased away from Sindhuli with the support from Com. Ram Krishna Kunwar, Dev Narayan Magar and others. Then, Prithvi Narayan Shah came to Kathmandu, in course of creating greater Nepal. After winning Kathmandu he sat on the royal throne at Hanuman Dhoka with the help of Jhyagal Gurung after receiving a 'Tika' from Kumari (Shakya living Goddess). To maintain the pride of this place, he did everything that could be done to create a greater Nepal. With the support of all difference castes including Magar, Gurung, Sherpa, Bahun, Chetri, Newar, Kami, Damai, Sarki etc. Prithvi Narayan Shah contributed to extend this nation-Tista in the East, Kangada in the West and Ganges in the South.

Prithvi Narayan Shah's policy of 'Rights of inheritors over the land'- (Jagga Mathi Raitiko Adhikar) has heralded a tremendous influence over the people. The culture, tradition, religion, religious rituals, language and attires of all ethnic groups of the nation was accepted as a common property for co-existence after the unification. Nepali language had become extensive among people of other castes, so it was transformed as the government's official language and common language of use among the Nepalese. Instead of Gorkha, the name-Kingdom of Nepal was proclaimed. There were no forcible acts to this effect. Prithvi Narayan was common leaders of all Hindus and Buddhists, castes and tribes.

A strong unitary sovereign nation was created with the involvement of the indigenous people. The indigenous people will accept the existence of a unitary state to remain protected from the danger posed by our northern and southern neighbors. The culture remains intact that ties the indigenous tribes together to survive in harmony, and the Nepalese common language which is understood by all. World famous national flag is Nepalese ethnic groups’ story of pride. From the unification, the attractive national attire is Nepalese people’s identity.

It is notable that the very exercise of Nepal as an independent country was made possible only because of geographical situation of the region by Prithvi Narayan Shah alongside the committed, dedicated and trusted ministers and generals belonging to the various origins. Very surprisingly, Nepal was able to stand its ground as an independent, unique and powerful multi-ethnics state situated in the lap of the Himalayas, even in such a vulnerable situation where such extreme colonial encroachment in South Asia was rife. People of different ethnic backgrounds seemed to have united under the umbrella of the newly emergent Nepal. In many cases, a practical policy, offering dependent states to smaller friendly principalities was adopted by the great king Prithvi Narayan Shah. Long Live the Prithvi Narayan Shah!

by Dirgha Raj Prasai

Prithvi Narayan Shah, the unifier of Nepal is the pride of Nepal. Before 290 year, the greatest hero Prithvi Narayan Shah was born in Gorkha.

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